Why do Americans feel humiliated? What does the author imply by saying "currencies don’t turn on a dime" (Line 2,Para. 7)?

admin2008-12-18  32

问题 Why do Americans feel humiliated?
What does the author imply by saying "currencies don’t turn on a dime" (Line 2,Para. 7)?

选项 A、The dollar’s value will not increase in the short term.
B、The value of a dollar will not be reduced to a dime.
C、The dollar’s value will drop, but within a small margin.
D、Few Americans will change dollars into other currencies.


解析 由题干中的currencies don’t turn on a dime"(Line 2,Para.7)定位到原文最后一段第三句。本题为语义题。本题主要考查对短语on a dime的理解,其意思为“短时间内,立即”,全句的意思是“美元不会在短期内发生转变”,也就是说,美元现在的这种持续走弱的形势不会在短期内发生转变,不会立即走强,选项A)是对这一句的正确解析,为本题的正确答案。
