One of your friends wants to apply for a job as a middle school teacher. Write a letter to: 1) recommend him/her and 2) explain

admin2019-06-10  21

问题 One of your friends wants to apply for a job as a middle school teacher. Write a letter to:
1) recommend him/her and
2) explain the reasons.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Zhang Wei" instead.
Do not write the address.


答案Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing the letter for the purpose of recommending to you Diao Chan, one of my best friends. She is seeking employment as an English teacher in your school. As far as I know, her qualifications just amply meet your requirements. For one thing, her previous working experience as a middle school teacher has laid a solid foundation for the work here. For another, she is a good team player, self- motivated and eager to learn. Accordingly, I am certain that she deserves your consideration. Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter. I am looking forward to your prompt reply at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei

解析 首段共两句。第一句表明写信目的——推荐自己的朋友貂蝉,完成试题指令1)。第二句表明推荐事由,即当事人的求职意向。第二段共四句,总分总结构。首句总体说明貂蝉资质符合对方要求,用了一个副词amply,意思是“充分地”。第二句和第三句分别写了貂蝉的两项具体资质(for one thing,for another),完成试题指令2)。第四句总结貂蝉值得对方去考虑,用了一个表示因果关系的副词accordingly,意思是“因此”(=therefore)。第三段共两句,都是信函常用的礼貌性套语。首句是感谢对方对此信的关注,第二句表示自己期待对方回复,其中使用了经典词组at one’s earliest convenience,意思是“尽快”。
