Climate Change Climate change is with us. A decade ago, it was conjecture. Now the future is unfolding before our eyes. Cana
Climate Change Climate change is with us. A decade ago, it was conjecture. Now the future is unfolding before our eyes. Cana
Climate Change
Climate change is with us. A decade ago, it was conjecture. Now the future is unfolding before our eyes. Canada’s Inuit see it in disappearing Arctic ice and permafrost(永久冻结带). The shanty town dwellers of Latin America and Southern Asia see it in lethal storms and floods. Europeans see it in disappearing glaciers, forest fires and fatal heat waves.
Scientists see it in tree rings, ancient coral and bubbles trapped in ice cores. These reveal that the world has not been as warm as it is now for a millennium or more. The three warmest years on re cord have ’all occurred since 1998; 19 of the warmest 20 since 1980. And Earth has probably never warmed as fast as in the past 30 years -- a period when natural influences on global temperatures, such as solar cycles and volcanoes should have cooled us down.
Climatologists reporting for the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) say we are seeing global warming caused by human activities. The felling down of trees that largely decrease the photosynthesis(光合作用) to absorb CO2 and the burning of coal, oil and natural gas that gives out great amount of CO2in the air all result in the increasing of temperatures.
Global Greenhouse
People arc causing the change by burning nature’s vast stores of coal, oil and natural gas. This releases billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) every year, although the changes may actually have started with the dawn of agriculture, say some scientists.
The physics of the "greenhouse effect" has been a matter of scientific fact for a century. CO2is a greenhouse gas that traps the Sun’s radiation within the troposphere (对流层), the lower atmosphere. It has accumulated along with other man-made greenhouse gases, such as methane (沼气) and chlorofiuorocarbons (CFCs)(碳氟化合物). Some studies suggest that cosmic rays may also be involved in warming.
If current trends continue& we will raise atmospheric CO2concentrations to double pre-industrial levels during this century. That will probably be enough to raise global temperatures by around 2°C to 5°C. And the trend is still going on. Some warming is certain, but the degree will be determined by cycles involving melting ice, the oceans, water vapour, clouds and changes to vegetation and plants.
Warming is bringing other unpredictable changes. Melting glaciers and precipitation are causing some rivers to overflow, while evaporation is emptying others. Diseases are spreading, especially in tropical areas. Some crops grow faster than before while others see yields slashed greatly by disease and drought. Clashes over dwindling water resources may cause conflicts in many regions.
As natural ecosystems -- such as coral reefs -- are disrupted, biodiversity is reduced. Most species cannot migrate fast enough to keep up, though others are already evolving in responses to warming. This has resulted to the extinction (or close extinction) of some species and put a lot of species in danger. In addition, for those who have adapted to the new environment, the amount of the species is increasing in great deal.
Thermal expansion of the oceans, combined with melting ice on land, is also raising sea levels. In this century, human activity could trigger an irreversible melting of the Greenland ice sheet. This would condemn the world to a rise in sea level of six metres -- enough to flood land occupied by billions of people. And this is one fear that almost all scientists hold in heart.
The global warming would be more pronounced if it were not for sulphur particles and other pollutants that shade us, and because forests and oceans absorb around half of the CO2we produce. But the accumulation rate of atmospheric CO2has doubled since 2001, suggesting that nature’s ability to absorb the gas could now be stretched to the limit. Recent research suggests that natural CO2 "sinks", like peat bogs (泥炭沼) and forests, are actually starting to release CO2.
Deeper Cuts
Greenhouse Effect has already become a global concern that requires all nations to involve in. At the Earth Summit in 1992, the world on the whole agreed to prevent "dangerous" climate change. The first step was the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which will now finally come into force during 2005. It will bring modest emission reductions from industrialised countries. But many observers say deeper cuts are needed and developing nations, which have large and growing populations, and increasing greenhouse emissions, will one day have to join in the move.
Some, including the US Bush administration, say the scientific uncertainty over the pace of climate change is grounds for delaying action. The US and Australia have reneged on Kyoto. But most scientists believe we are under-estimating the dangers.
In any case, according to the IPCC, the world needs to quickly improve the efficiency of its energy usage and develop renewable non-carbon fuels like: wind, solar, tidal, wave and perhaps un clear power. It also means developing new methods of converting this clean energy into motive power, like hydrogen fuel cells for cars. And as a matter of fact, some industrial countries have already star ted to go this way and achieved fairly good results.
Other less conventional solutions include ideas to stave off warming by "mega-engineering" the planet with giant mirrors to deflect the Sun’s rays, seeding the oceans with iron to generate alga blooms, or burying greenhouse gases below the sea.
Whatever the methods we use, the bottom line is that we will need to cut CO2emissions by 70% to 80% simply to stabilise atmospheric CO2concentrations -- and thus temperatures. The quicker we do that, the less unbearably hot our future world will be. And this is the task that has been put be fore human beings.
Because people have been paying too much attention to the sulphur particles and other pollutants, they overlooked another problem, global warming.
根据题干中的sulphur particles and other pollutants,定位到第一个小标题下的最后一段中的第一句话 The global warming would be more pronounced if it were not for sulphur particles and other pollutants that shade us...,也就是说因为关注了硫化物和其他污染源,所以人们忽视了温室效应和全球变暖这个问题,认为这个问题并不紧迫。
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