Marriage is, for many people, their most important relationship, the source of much happiness, and, for some, even adds extra ye

admin2023-04-06  27

问题     Marriage is, for many people, their most important relationship, the source of much happiness, and, for some, even adds extra years to their life. While the【C1】________between marriage and well-being has been【C2】________studied, predicting marital success is【C3】________. Exactly which people are likely to make successful【C4】________and what can they do to【C5】________the odds of being successful and happy in mariage?
    "The state of marriage is that it’s going in two directions. For people with a college degree, marriage is still going【C6】________However, Cherlin explains, "for people with less【C7】________, there’s less marriage and more break-ups." Happy marriage【C8】________are much less common in such households.
    Another predictor of successful marriages is the quality of a【C9】________childhood relation-ship with their parents. "The kind of relation-ships you have with your parents【C10】________up are predictive of marital quality in【C11】________Umberson says.
    Finally, there is a chicken-and-egg【C12】________to successful marriages. "People who are married are【C13】________than people who aren’t. The question is how much of this is【C14】________and how much is effect?" While natural selection【C15】________has an impact here, Cherlin says, "people who are【C16】________happy are more likely to get married, but marriage makes them even healthier."
    The【C17】________to good marriages is similar in Umberson’s view. "I think it’s the presence of emotional support, and that the person you’re with does make you feel emotionally supported," she says.【C18】________, "If your partner is【C19】________and demanding" all the time, those "are just red flags" in terms of marital happiness. And in terms of【C20】________, she notes, "marital strain is worse for your health than marital happiness is good for your health."  

选项 A、necessary


解析 本段首句提到,婚姻的状态会朝两个方向发展,即受过高等教育的人的婚姻状况和教育程度低的人的婚姻状况。下一句提到,少一些……的人们的结婚率更低而离婚率更高。据此推断受过高等教育的人的婚姻状况应是更好。故选B项strong“牢固的”。A项necessary意为“必要的”,此处讲的是婚姻状态的好坏,并非婚姻的必要性问题,故排除。C项promising“有前途的”代入空格,不跟下文的less marriage and more break-ups相对,也排除。空格处的词应跟less marriage and more break-ups相对,所以应为积极色彩的词,D项detrimental“有害的”为贬义词,故排除。
