A、To take some more vegetables. B、To avoid taking any more food. C、To pass the woman the meat. D、To help to prepare the potatoes

admin2010-10-28  38

W: I need some aspirin, please, and I’d also like to get this prescription filled.
M: Fine. Here’s your aspirin. I have the prescription for you in about ten minutes if you want to wait.
Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?
W:Now,Mr.Black,don’t hesitate to help yourself to some more potatoes,vegetables or roast beef.
M:It’s been a wonderful dinner,but if I eat another bite,I think I’ll burst.
Q:What will the man do?

选项 A、To take some more vegetables.
B、To avoid taking any more food.
C、To pass the woman the meat.
D、To help to prepare the potatoes.


解析 女士说,“Black先生别客气,多吃点马铃薯、青菜和烤牛肉,”男士回答,“这一餐太丰盛了,我再多吃一口就要撑爆了,”即表示他不能再吃了(if I eat another bite,I think I’ll burst),故正确答案为B项。
