下面是某初中教师的课堂教学片段。 (T asked Ss to make sentences according to the information on the blackboard.) T: Now, let’s look at the blackb

admin2022-01-25  51

问题 下面是某初中教师的课堂教学片段。
(T asked Ss to make sentences according to the information on the blackboard.)
T: Now, let’s look at the blackboard and make sentences. I say "I don’t have a basketball" and you say "Our teacher doesn’t have a basketball" . I say "I have a volleyball" and you say "Our teacher has a volleyball" . Li Xing, make the third sentence ... (T wrote sentences on the blackboard.)
Li Xing: Tom have a tennis racket.
T: Is it correct? No, we should say it like this "Tom has a tennis racket" . We don’t put "have" after "He, She, Tom, Lucy" . We should say "He has ..., She has ..., Tom has ..., Lucy has ..." .
(T wrote the wrong sentence on the blackboard and corrected it.)
T: Next one, Li Lei, please.
Li Lei: Jim has a ping-pong ball.
T: Yes. (T wrote it on the blackboard.) Next one, Zhang Hong, please.
Zhang Hong: Li Lei don’t have a soccer ball.
T: No, no, no. Wrong again. What is the correct answer?
Ss: Li Lei doesn’t have a soccer ball,
T: Yes. (T wrote the correct answer on the blackboard.)


答案 (1)①学生在英语学习过程中缺少语言环境,受母语表达习惯影响。 ②学生对语言规则掌握不熟练。与汉语不同,英语谓语动词需要随着时态、人称和数的变化而变化。 (2)该教师采用了直接纠错法来纠正学生的错误,即学生出现语言错误时,教师对其错误予以正面纠正(说出正确的语言形式,并让学生改正)。 (3)①在课堂教学过程中,特别是在提问的过程中,很多学生都缺乏自信,羞于开口说英语。针对学生回答错误的情况,教师应当以鼓励性评价为主,采用多种方法适时地纠错。通过表情、手势、语调等对学生的答案进行评价是教师课堂最常见的反馈形式之一。学生回答问题时谓语动词使用错误,教师最好不要马上否定学生,试着多次重复,并放慢语速,或者摆摆手、摇摇头等,启发学生自己发现错误并改正,并且在此过程中不失时机地给予学生积极强化,这样学生会记得更牢,自信心也不会受打击。 ②要有效地纠正学生在英语课堂上出现的语言错误,就必须明确错误产生的原因,这样才能“对症下药”,进而进行有效的引导。教学片段中学生回答错误主要是由于受母语的干扰,对于新的语言规则掌握不熟练。教师应该在纠正错误的基础上,指导学生掌握有效的学习策略,例如归纳学习、演绎学习、情境学习、认知强化练习等。

