Forty-one year old Kathleen Gooley was engaged, set a wedding date, mailed out invitations, reserved a reception hall, prepare

admin2009-07-15  28

问题     Forty-one year old Kathleen Gooley was engaged,  set a wedding date,  mailed out invitations, reserved a reception hall, prepared for a festive meal with friends and families. But two months before the wedding, the groom got cold feet and backed out. While she had time to notify guests about the cancellation, Gooley was responsible for the .US $ 4000 bill to the festive meal. In a moment of inspiration and remarkable generosity, Gooley decided that others should benefit from her misfortune. She decided to throw a party for the homeless. So, on June 24, 1990—what should have been her wedding day—Gooley arranged for busloads of 150 homeless men and women from southwestern Connecticut to be driven to the reception hall. Many had not had a hot meal in weeks but that Saturday they feasted on delicious meal.
    Although Gooley’s disappointment was considerable and publicly embarrassing, her response to this personal crisis was both graceful and inspiring. When it comes to disappointment, life treats each one of us equally. No one lives a disappointment-proof life. Because disappointment comes to all and can result in disillusionment and despair, it is a vital life art to learn ways of managing disappointment.

选项 A、He was caught a bad cold.
B、He discouraged an attempt to get married.
C、His feet were hurt seriously.
D、He failed his promise and left.


解析 back out是“临阵脱逃”的意思,所以[B]为正确答案。
