Museums are, like everything else, products of history. They have all changed a great deal over time and can change again. They

admin2010-06-18  36

问题 Museums are, like everything else, products of history. They have all changed a great deal over time and can change again. They need to. Museums spring, essentially, from the Enlightenment.  The British Museum was founded in 1753, a century-and-a-half after Galileo, but a hundred years before Darwin.  The rapidly accumulating collections in the world’s first public museums were a by-product of the birth of modern science, when researchers made discoveries by building collections—a devil’s toenail, for example, entered museums as an object of wonder only later to be re-labeled as the fossil of an extinct oyster.
   In our post-Enlightenment age, the visible world has lost much of its mystery (which is perhaps why we care so little for it). Collecting is no longer a key method of research. Nor might so many people have visited museums in the past if they had been able to hop on a plane to see a kangaroo for themselves, or buy a book of color reproductions of Japanese prints, or watch, from the comfort of a couch, a computer simulation of a dinosaur sinking its teeth into its latest victim. Hence museum curators cannot go on running their museums as if the world hasn’t changed. Yet many operate as if the last eddies of the Enlightenment still lapped through their galleries and stores.


答案和所有的东西一样,博物馆也是历史的产物。随着时间的改变,博物馆都有了很大的变化,而且还可能继续改变。它们需要变化。最初,博物馆的建立是由于启蒙运动。大英博物馆建于1753年,比伽利略晚150年,比达尔文早100年。世界上第一批博物馆里收藏晶的快速增长是现代科学诞生的一项副产品,因为当时 研究者们依靠收集来做研究——例如,一枚“魔鬼的脚趾甲”最初以其罕见进入博物馆,后来才被重新标签为一种已绝迹的贝类的化石。 在我们的后启蒙时代,可见的世界已经远没有那么神秘。收集已不再是做研究的主要方法。在过去,如果人们能跳上飞机亲眼去看看袋鼠,或者是买上一本彩色的日本图画的复制品,或者是舒舒服服地坐在沙发上看电脑模拟的恐龙捕食,那么也不会有这么多人去博物馆参观了。

