Cardiologists have pioneered the world’s first non-surgical bypass operation to turn a vein into an artery using a new technique

admin2015-04-10  25

问题     Cardiologists have pioneered the world’s first non-surgical bypass operation to turn a vein into an artery using a new technique to divert blood flow in a man with severe heart disease. The keyhole procedure, which avoids the extensive invasive surgery of a conventional bypass, will offer hope to tens of thousands of people at risk from heart attacks.
    Coronary heart disease, where the arteries are progressively silted up with fatty deposits, is responsible in a major industrial country like Britain for more than 160,000 deaths each year. Although major heart surgery is becoming commonplace, with more than 28,000 bypass operations in the UK annually, it is traumatic for patients and involves a long recovery period.
    The new technique was carried out by an international team of doctors who performed the non-invasive surgery on a 53-year-old German patient. According to a special report in Circulation, journal of the American Heart Association, cardiologists developed a special catheter which was inserted into one of his leg arteries, threaded up through the aorta to the top of the diseased artery, which was the only part still open and receiving blood. Then, guided by ultrasound, a physician pushed a needle from inside the catheter through the artery wall and into the adjacent vein. A thin, flexible wire was threaded through the needle and the needle and catheter were withdrawn, leaving the wire behind and a small angioplasty balloon, which was used to widen the channel. Finally, the vein was blocked off just above the new channel allowing blood from the artery to be re-routed down the vein.
    After the procedure, the vein effectively became an artery, carrying blood in the reverse direction from the previous way, and feeding the starved heart tissue with oxygen.
    Dr. Stephen Oesterle, who led the team, said, "This milestone marks the first coronary artery bypass performed with a catheter. The technology offers a realistic hope for truly minimally invasive bypass procedures in the future. One of the most invasive things you can do in medicine is coronary artery bypass surgery. Our ultimate goal is to replace traditional coronary artery bypass with a procedure that does not require surgery. " Dr. Oesterle is director of cardiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston. Melanie Raddon, cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said it was likely to be many years before the procedure was routinely used in hospitals.
The purpose of writing this text is probably to

选项 A、praise the high technological level of Harvard Medical School.
B、comfort those patients who have developed coronary heart disease.
C、introduce a new therapy to cure heart disease.
D、criticize the traditional bypass surgery.


解析 作者写本文的目的可能是[A]赞扬哈佛医学院的高技术水平。[B]安慰那些冠心病患者。[C]介绍心脏病的一种新疗法。[D]批评传统的心脏搭桥手术。本文第一段和第二段介绍了新技术与传统搭桥手术相比的优越性,第三段讲述了新疗法的过程,第四段说明了其疗效,第五段用哈佛医学院医学副教授的话评价了该技术,所以综合全文,作者从各方面向读者介绍这项新技术,是说明文,而不是以表扬、安慰和批评为目的,所以[C]为正确答案。
