Directions: Read the following chart and write a composition of about 150 words. The main idea of each paragraph is given below

admin2012-10-23  32

问题    Directions: Read the following chart and write a composition of about 150 words. The main idea of each paragraph is given below in Chinese.
Various Energy Sources Transformed into Electricity in the U. S. A


答案 How to solve the pollution problem of America We can learn from the chart that the main energy sources America uses to produce electricity are coal, oil, nucleus, water and gas. Among these energy sources, coal is the most popular one, amounting to 46.5% of the total electricity transformation, while oil lists the second with 16.9%, gas the third, 13.7%, nucleus the fourth, 12.4%, and water, the last, 10.5%. Having read the chart, it’s not difficult for us to understand Why America has a low-quality air. As we know, the fossil fuels such as coal, off and gas will give off heavy smokes and other poisonous chemical materials when burnt, so the large amount use of this kind of energy can heavily pollute the air. America uses so much fossil fuel, so it’s not strange that its environment is so badly contaminated. Having found the cause of the sever pollution, then it’s relatively easier for people to work out methods to deal with the problem. America can reduce the amount of coal, oil and gas using, and takes the clean, non-pollution energy, such as water and nucleus as substitute. With the reduction of the pollution sources, it’s certain that the pollution will be relieved and the environment will gradually recover.

