All over the world, various kinds of tests are used to indicate a person’s knowledge of a subject. Are grades a good indicator a
All over the world, various kinds of tests are used to indicate a person’s knowledge of a subject. Are grades a good indicator a
All over the world, various kinds of tests are used to indicate a person’s knowledge of a subject. Are grades a good indicator and determining factor of people’s, especially students’ knowledge? Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly the different opinions on this issue;
2. give your comment.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Cathy (the US)
I would say that not all grading systems are equal and I have my fair share of complaints against standardized testing, as well as grade curves. However, I do believe the grades of specific testing material are indicative of your understanding of the material. Now when I say test, I do not only mean paper or multiple choice. It can take many forms such as physical activities, speeches, or traditional tests to show people’s abilities. After that they should get a grade as feedback on their knowledge.
Duke (Australia)
Grades do not necessarily translate directly to intelligence, but they do generally represent a student’s effort and consistency. A student who consistently gets good grades, at the very least, applies themselves to their schoolwork, while a student that consistently gets poor grades either clearly does not understand material or does not put forth an appropriate effort. So grades must have some correlation with intelligence.
There may be exceptions to this rule, but an intelligent student will generally understand the importance of good grades.
Johonny (Italy)
It depends on the grading method. If those grades are based on some sort of holistic approach, then it is Ok. It is entirely unfair to say that grades on a 4-answer multiple choice assignment directly translate to knowledge. For all one knows, that person could have been a lucky guesser or a good test-taker.
However, if the grade is given based on a short answer or essay type assignment, those grades would be more correlated with one’s knowledge on a subject because it requires that person not only to give the "correct" answer but also to explain it thoroughly.
Mary (Britain)
GPA does not equal the level of intelligence. Grades are not a good indicator of intelligence because some students copy answers from friends, some teachers give easy work and random grades. Not always does a lazy student equal an unintelligent student, and not always does a student that turns in work equal an intelligent one.
Dorothy (France)
Grades can be a good indicator of a person’s knowledge of a subject if the grade has been earned over a period of time through projects, reports or essays. Examinations are memory tests and are poor indicators of a person’s knowledge. It is easy to obtain previous years’ papers, have some clues given to you by a teacher or learn enough about a subject to ace certain questions while not learning other fundamental knowledge of a subject. There is also the case of people becoming too nervous during an examination and suddenly forgetting important knowledge, only for it to return when they leave the room.
I will always believe that an in-depth report or essay that has been worked on over a long period of time will indicate a person’s knowledge more than a 2-hour exam on a subject.
Tracy (the US)
No, because they are unfair and they do not show what you have learned. Grades aren’t a sign of learning, rather a sign of obeying. Americans today get quizzes and tests 24/7. Instead of doing projects and understanding concepts, we are simply forced to memorize rather than understand. Quizzes, tests, homework are NOT signs of learning and they are actively detrimental to learning in every way possible.
Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
Are Grades a Good Indicator of Our Knowledge or Intelligence? All over the world, grades are used to indicate a person’s knowledge of a subject. Supporters say grades represent people’s efforts and consistency. Still others assert their value by insisting on varied forms such as essays, reports, speeches and even physical activities. Opponents, however, refute that good grades may result from copying from others, easy assignments, clues from teachers or lucky guesses. All agree on one point—the test type such as multiple-choice is just a memory text and a poor indicator of one’s intelligence. Ever since our childhood, we have been rising from the ashes of various tests with each grade tinted with our sweat and tears. Despite waves of reforms on the types of exams, they never withdraw from our life. But can they indicate our knowledge or say intelligence wisely and precisely? Undoubtedly, some well-designed tests can realize their purposes of indicating a person’s knowledge on a subject. However, they can’t be used to assess one’s intelligence. For one thing, based on memory of certain facts, many tests are not sufficient to define either one’s knowledge or intelligence. For another, in contrast to lucky guesses, many examiners lapse into nervousness and anxiety which definitely affect their performance. Finally, unchecked misbehavior before and during the exams makes them hardly a fair playground to determine one’s fate. Sadly though, many professions make judgments over the notorious reliance on grades. So ever since we are kids, we are stubbornly embedded in ways to improve our grades instead of developing our potential. This short-sightedness bedevils our nation for many years and for more years to come if left unsolved. So a clinical mind should think twice whether grades can be justified to evaluate a person’s worth, or we are destined to become jayvee team on the world’s stage.