An Australian company is prepared to give away color TV sets, fur coats, diamond rings and a chance to win 12 000 Australian dol

admin2012-07-17  27

问题     An Australian company is prepared to give away color TV sets, fur coats, diamond rings and a chance to win 12 000 Australian dollars in ready cash to its employees. The only requirement is that they have to come to work regularly. Absenteeism had reached a point at the company.
    Goodyear is a support plant in Sydney, where production lines were sometimes running at only 74% of capacity. And to be efficient, 95% was required. Absenteeism is a problem through-out Australian industry. It seems to be caused mainly by wealth and the wonderful climate. Workers often say, "It’s too nice a day to go to work", and they don’t. Two days off can be made up by one overtime shift, so the pocket does not suffer, either. It also seems that the Australian system of telling people how many sick days they are given encourages them to take the full number. Job tiredness and other factors take second place.
    Goodyear began its campaign against absenteeism with a hand-delivered letter to each employee’s home. It explained to wives that if their husbands went to work regularly, and did not miss a day for any reason at all, they would qualify to win one of the prizes. All they had to do was go to work. At the end of the month, those who were qualified were put into ten groups and prizes were drawn—diamond rings, stereos, those who were still qualified were put into the draw for a color television set.
    The plant employs 1 780 people and before the campaign started, 150 workers were often away on any one day. In the week just before the campaign, 613 working days were lost. In the first week after it began, this was reduced to 556 despite an influenza epidemic. In the first month attendance improved by between 9. 2% and 9. 8% each week.
The best title for the passage is______.

选项 A、Absenteeism Throughout Australia
B、Keeping the Workers at Work
C、Lucky Australian Employees
D、Why Are Australian Employees on Strike?


解析 本题问本文的最佳标题是什么。利用浏览式阅读法和跳跃式阅读法通读全文,我们可以总结出本文的主题:一家澳大利亚公司为了解决工人旷工问题所采取的奖励措施及其成效。因此,本题的正确答案应是B“如何使工人上班工作”。
