
admin2016-09-27  84

问题 在“我”和“我们”之间,是以“他人”作为连接点的。“我”因“他人”而成为“我”;“我们”因“他人”而成为“我们”。当“我们”过度地强化、放大“我”,而舍弃“他人”的时候,“我”便处于四面受敌的孤立无援之中。在我们的传统习性中,“他人”这一概念,更多的情况下,只是一种被供奉的虚设牌位。我们的成语中曾有“以邻为壑”一词,可以佐证;有“只扫自家门前雪,哪管他人瓦上霜”的谚语,可以证言。即便在集体主义理想教育最为鼎盛之时,“他人”不仅未能成为国人的自觉意识,“他人”反而意味着告密、背叛、异己、危险、离间等等。这种体制下的集体主义文化,终于导致了“他人即地狱”的严酷后果。闻“他人”而心颤,近“他人”而丧胆。也许正是由于对“他人”的恐惧,“文革”之后,“我们”迅速土崩瓦解,“我”自仰天长啸——而“他人”却不得不退出公众的视线,淡化为一个可有可无的虚词,成为公民道德的模糊地带。(35 points)


答案"Others" serves as a bridge to connect "me" and "us". "I" am "myself just because of "others" and "we" become "ourselves" also because of others. When "we" exaggerate the importance of "myself at the expense of "others", "I" will be embattled and helpless. Based on our traditional ideas, we generally only play lip service to the concept of "others". It can be testified in our idiom "Divert the flood to the neighbor’s courtyard", as well as the proverb "Mind your business and pay no heed to the rest of the world. " Even in the climax of collective education, the awareness of "others" also couldn’t be accepted by people, but the word "others" meant revealing secrets, betrayal, enemy, danger and alienation. The collective culture under the system finally resulted in the destructive consequence, which can be expressed as the phrase "Hell is other people". People shiver and feel scared at the mention of "others". Due to the fear, the concept of "us" fell apart after the Cultural Revolution. "I" got triumph while "others" faded away from public concern to become a nominal word with little value for public moral.

