From the first two paragraphs, we know that What can be the reason of people eating cultured meat instead of the real thing?

admin2010-06-17  33

问题 From the first two paragraphs, we know that
What can be the reason of people eating cultured meat instead of the real thing?

选项 A、meat that is just off the bone is not tasty enough for some people.
B、vegetarians may consume meat product from the sausage-meat project.
C、cloned meat product is more hygienic and healthier.
D、cultured meat can be eaten to get rid of certain diseases.


解析 事实细节题。第六段第一句与题干对应,选项A未在原文提及,排除;选项B的from the sausage-meat project部分错误,混淆了第二句与第三句的关系;选项D是对第七段第一句的错误理解,克隆肉不能消除疾病,只能避免一些细菌的侵蚀;只有选项C是文中对克隆肉第二个优点的正确概括,即更卫生,更有利于健康。
