
admin2023-01-12  32

问题     书是我的恩师。贫穷剥夺了我童年的幸福,把我关在学校大门的外面,是书本敞开它宽厚的胸脯,接纳了我,给我以慷慨的哺育。没有书,就没有我的今天。——也许我早就委身于沟壑。书是我的良友。它给我一把金钥匙,诱导我打开浅短的视界、愚昧的头脑、闭塞的心灵,它从不吝惜对我帮助。书是我青春期的恋人,中年的知己,暮年的伴侣,有了它,我就不再愁寂寞,不再怕人情冷暖,世态炎凉。它使我成为精神世界的富翁。


答案 Books are my beloved teachers. Poverty deprived me of my childhood happiness and school education, while books embraced me liberally and nurtured me generously. It is to them that I owe what I am today. Without them, I would probably have ended up in abject misery long ago. Books are my good friends, which have offered me a golden key to broadening my horizons and ridding myself of stupidity and ignorance. They spare no effort to help me. Books are my sweethearts in my youth, my bosom friends in my middle age, and my companions in my declining years. They make me never feel lonely, nor fear social snobbery or fickleness of the world. It is no more than them that have made me rich in the inner world.

