A、How to set a bedtime. B、How to make your bed comfortable. C、How to get more effective sleep. D、How to stay awake. C对话开头,句(1)中男

admin2018-04-10  41

M: (1) With the hassles of life and other tough hours in the day, more and more people are getting by on less and less sleep. What can you do to get more effective rest? Joining us now is Dr. Joanne Getsy, medical director of the Drexel Sleep Center. Dr. Getsy, welcome!
W: Good morning!
M: Good to have you here. We talk about insomnious people who can’t seem to get to sleep. (2-1) But there are also some people, including me, who just don’t sleep because we’re just too busy. I meant to go to bed at nine last night. It was 22:30 before I climbed into bed. So how do you separate the two?
W: Oh, (2-2) I think most people who complain of trouble sleeping are really in your category. There is just the 24-hour world, but we have too much to do, so there is just not enough time for sleep. And I think the important thing is that people don’t understand the importance of sleep. You know, we exercise and we eat right and we try to do what is right for us. But we forget that sleep is as important as all of those things.
M: It is not a luxury. It’s a health thing. Many people don’t realize that, however. The National Institute of Health says 10% to 15% of the general population struggles with chronic insomnia. And some of those people do fall into the category of, they can’t sleep, as much as they try, they can’t.
W: That’s right! And when we see them at sleep centers, we can usually determine from what they tell us whether they really have insomnia and have trouble sleeping from a true sleep disorder or whether they just can’t seem to find the time for sleep.
M: Alright. (3-1) Primary insomnia, again, are people who can’t sleep enough because of the health condition. But they simply can’t get to sleep. You have got some advice for them, including "To stay asleep, you must stay awake."
W: (3-2) Yes! The important thing is to keep a schedule. (4) People who have trouble sleeping really need to keep the schedule where they schedule when their sleep is going to be. We must try to find the time when we’re going to be asleep and the time when we must stay awake.
M: (5-1) Even in fact I’m not tired until 3 a. m.?
W: (5-2) Then you go to bed at 3 a. m.
M: Go to bed at 3 a. m.? And then get up and go to work at 7 or 8 a. m.?
W: Exactly! We make a schedule and that means there is no point in lying in bed awake for 2 hours. Your mind wants to see production.
M: (3-3) You say "Set a bedtime." and "Don’t lie awake in bed."
W: Absolutely right!
M: (3-4) And also "Persevere."
This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.
1. What is the topic of the interview?
2. Why do most people have trouble sleeping?
3. Which of the following suggestions is NOT given to those with primary insomnia?
4. When does Dr. Getsy advise people with trouble sleeping to sleep?
5. According to Dr. Getsy, what should the man do if he isn’t tired until 3 a. m.?

选项 A、How to set a bedtime.
B、How to make your bed comfortable.
C、How to get more effective sleep.
D、How to stay awake.


解析 对话开头,句(1)中男士就指出,由于生活中的琐事以及白天紧张的工作,越来越多的人睡觉的时间越来越少,之后又提出一个问题:怎样才能得到更有效的休息?并且接下来的对话是围绕这一问题展开的,故答案为[C]。
