When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin returned from the moon, their cargo included nearly fifty pounds of rock and soil, which wer

admin2023-01-24  31

问题     When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin returned from the moon, their cargo included nearly fifty pounds of rock and soil, which were packed in an aluminum box with seals designed to maintain the lunar surface’s low-pressure environment. But back at Johnson Space Center, in Houston, scientists discovered that the seals had been【C1】________—by moon dust.
    Lunar dust is fine, like a powder,【C2】________it cuts like glass. It’s formed when shooting stars【C3】________on the moon’s surface, heating its rocks and dirt and reducing them to fine particles. Since there’s no wind or water to smooth【C4】________edges, the tiny grains are sharp and uneven, and【C5】________nearly everything.
    "The intruding【C6】________of lunar dust represents a more challenging engineering design issue, as well as a【C7】________issue for settlers, than does radiation," wrote Harrison Schmitt, an Apollo 17 astronaut, in his 2006 book, "Return to the Moon." The dust damaged space-suits and ate away layers of moon boots. Over the【C8】________ of six Apollo missions, not one rock box【C9】________its vacuum seal. Dust followed the astronauts back into their ships, too. According to Schmitt, it smelled like gunpowder and made breathing【C10】________. No one knows precisely what the extremely small particles do to human lungs.
    The dust not only【C11】________the moon’s surface, but floats up to sixty miles【C12】________it—as an outer part of its atmosphere, where particles【C13】________the moon by gravity, but are so thin that they【C14】________collide. In the nineteen-sixties, Surveyor probes filmed a glowing cloud floating just above the lunar surface during sunrise. Later, Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan, while orbiting the moon, recorded a【C15】________phenomenon at the sharp line where lunar day meets night. Cernan【C16】________a series of pictures illustrating the changing【C17】________; streams of particles popped【C18】________the ground and hovered, and the resulting cloud came into sharper focus as the astronauts’ orbiter approached daylight. Since there’s no wind to form and【C19】________the clouds, their origin is something of a mystery. It’s【C20】________that they’re made of dust, but no one fully understands how or why they do their thing.

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解析 前文提到月尘锋利如玻璃,破坏太空衣、月球靴等,说明它的破坏力很强,那些装有石头的盒子(rock box)也应遭到了破坏。句中主语not one rock box本身已含有否定,因此空格处所填单词应具有肯定意义。D项maintained“保持”符合。A项installed“安装”,箱子是事先都安装有密封装置的。只不过被月尘损坏而已。B项lost“失去”,无从得知箱子是否失去它的密封装置,且这里强调的是没有箱子能够完好保持密封状态,意思不够准确。C项found“找到”,箱子不能主观地找它的密封装置。
