As every politician knows, it is important to address problems, but even more important to demonstrate that you are addressing t

admin2019-08-08  17

问题    As every politician knows, it is important to address problems, but even more important to demonstrate that you are addressing them. When it comes to research misconduct, UK universities are failing on both points.
   The United Kingdom has no regulatory body to deal with research misconduct. Instead, since three years ago universities have had to adhere to a set of guidelines in order to receive grants from major funders. Called The Concordat (协定) to Support Research Integrity, the guidelines detail good practice and aim to strengthen the mechanisms available for investigating misconduct They also call on universities to publish annual summaries of their formal misconduct investigations.
   【F1】British universities are image-conscious, especially since the 1998 introduction of tuition fees established a marketplace, and it is understandable that many are reluctant to publish the figures. 【F2】The few that do publish reports risk being singled out as having a problem, when in fact the reverse is true —such investigations show that the institution has processes to detect and deal with misconduct. But almost 2% of researchers admit to having fabricated, falsified or modified data at least once. Pretending that misconduct does not happen is no longer an option.
   Discussion at a research-integrity conference in London suggested that many institutions have just been slow to publish details of their misconduct investigations, rather than aiming to avoid it entirely. 【F3】It also emerged that staff who oversee research integrity in universities, and who are still working out how to ensure that their institutions adhere to the concordat feel under-resourced.
   For those universities that do have adequate systems to report and deal with misconduct, making investigation summaries public would be an easy win. 【F4】Those institutions that have yet to make such systems a priority should remember that the concordat was introduced because UK systems for dealing with issues of research integrity had been judged inadequate by a parliamentary enquiry. Unlike in the United States, where the Office of Research Integrity oversees formal misconduct investigations related to research funded by the US National Institutes of Health, or Ireland, which plans to subject labs to spot-checks from auditors, UK universities have been allowed to police themselves.
   Research misconduct is a fact, and institutions should not feel that they will be penalized for investigating cases promptly and fairly. The best way to change perceptions is to ensure full compliance. 【F5】If every university acknowledges the issue, then the risk of being an outlier disappears, and only those institutions that choose not to publish will be the subject of suspicion and public scrutiny.



解析 ①本句是复合句,包含一个定语从句,一个时间状语从句和一个宾语从句。句首The few指代The few universities。其后that引导的定语从句修饰先行词The few,进一步说明主语是公开年度总结报告的大学。②single sb./sth.out表示“(尤指为了表扬或批评)挑出(某人或某物),选出”,as having a problem在句中作主语补足语,risk being singled out as having a problem表示公开报告的大学承担着因为存在问题而被抨击的风险。③逗号之后when引导的时间状语从句中,in fact在句中作状语成分,起强调作用。破折号后面的句子是对其前the reverse is true的解释说明,即说明公布报告的英国大学无须害怕,他们所做的调查正好表明自身有发现和处理不端行为的机制。
