admin2012-01-22  32

Woman: Power Record Recruitment.
Man: Hello. I’m phoning from Walkers Shoes. I was hoping you could help us with some temporary office staff.
Woman: Of course. Can I take your name please?
Man: Well. It is Dee Hilton. That’s H—I—L—T—O—N.
Woman: Fine. And what kind of posts are they?
Man: Well, we’re looking for 3 salespeople. Two salespeople are leaving so we have to replace them but we’re also very busy and need another salespeople because of the extra work.
Woman: And when will they start?
Man: Our salespeople leave next Thursday—the 22nd. So we’d like your people for the 25th—if that’s possible.
Woman: It should be. And how long are the jobs for?
Man:  At least 8 weeks. It may become as long as 12 but we’d only decide that 2 or 3 weeks after they’d started.
Woman: It’s 40 hours a week?
Man: Yes. We normally pay £7. 50 per hour to our permanent staff. What will you charge us?
Woman: For experienced sales people it’s £12. 50 per hour.
Man: Right. Well, we’d obviously need experienced staff.
Woman: Fine. Can I ring you back later?
Man: Yes, the number’s 625—4335 and my extension is 109.
Woman: Oh, one more thing. Where are the company offices?
Man: Central Business Park—on Broad Street.
Woman: Thank you.



