There was yet another mass demonstration against globalization in June, this time in Barcelona. Although the World Bank had deci

admin2022-06-29  47

问题     There was yet another mass demonstration against globalization in June, this time in Barcelona. Although the World Bank had decided weeks ago to turn its planned meeting into a virtual conference, this didn’t stop the protesters.
    The word "globalization" seems to embody all that anyone can find wrong with the state of the world in all its forms. From American fast food and pop music to unemployment, child labor and environmental decay, everything is laid at the door of globalization. While using an ill-defined concept as an umbrella to assemble malcontents of all people may get world attention, the lack of clarity about the "G" word cannot help the opponents in the long run. However, despite the ridiculous behavior of some protesters, they have raised many important issues that need to be addressed.
    What exactly is globalization? The International Monetary Fund defines it as "the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows, and also through the more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology." This is good enough a definition of the phenomenon today, but it is extremely narrow and non-historical. The fact is that globalization is a phenomenon as old as humans. One can say that globalization began when the precursors of Homo sapiens started moving in search of better food and safety. That movement has never stopped.
    In every respect, what we are today, what we eat, how we live and what we believe in is the result of an amazing fusion of products and ideas exchanged over the centuries. What we consider to be traditional was not always so. The traditional chili-hot Asian food did not become "tradition" until Columbus brought to Europe the chili plant from the Caribbean and then this New World plant gradually diffused to the Old World of Asia. There was no outcry in Asia against the invasion of the fiery chili threatening their culinary tradition, because it was not brought there too rapidly.
    Like the chili, there are countless products and ideas in our lives that we claim to be ours but which actually come from elsewhere. Human interactions over the continents imperceptibly continue to shape our lives. As a historical phenomenon, globalization has affected human existence the way the earth’s surface has been sculpted by weather. Eternal dissatisfaction with one’s condition and the perpetual effort to improve one’s lot has led to inventions and movements changing human life the world over.
    But to acknowledge globalization as a secular trend of human history does not mean accepting the unfairness, injustice and inequality that have come in its wake. Today’s protesters are right to draw attention to these negative aspects. Certainly, the pernicious aspects of globalization need to be addressed and prudently remedied. However, protesters are wrong to think that the restless movement of people and ideas across the globe can be arrested, and by so doing solve its marginal ill effects. To be sure, fix globalization. But to demand a stop to globalization is to demand that life as we know should cease.
Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

选项 A、Fixing Globalization Is Urgent
B、Globalization in the Modern World
C、Eternal Human Dissatisfaction Changes Life
D、Globalization: You Can’t Stop Life


解析 本题要求选出文章的最佳标题。答案线索可以定位于全文。要找出文章的最佳标题,必须对全文的脉络进行梳理。第一、二段用抗议者的聚众示威事件引出文章的主题,即现在很多人对全球化不满,认为它带来了很多负面问题,但是他们对全球化的定义是不踢确的。第三、四、五段为文章的主体内容,首先介绍了国际货币基金组织对全球化的定义,然后作者再引出自己的观点,即国际货币基金组织的定义比较狭隘,缺乏历史角度,其实,全球化从人类能够迁移之初就已经开始了。然后,作者用红辣椒怎么流传到亚洲并逐渐形成亚洲的饮食传统这个例子作为佐证。和饮食一样,产品和思想其实也发源于别处,人类对自身处境的不满推动着世界的变革。最后一段,作者总结全文,抗议者提出的一些问题是有道理的,全球化的有害影响需要补救,但是要求停止全球化就是要求停止现在所知的生活。据此分析,可知作者的观点是:全球化固然有很多问题,但是不能停止全球化,停止全球化就是停止我们的生活。所以选项D很好地概括了全文,为正确选项。选项A、C为文中的部分内容,不足以概括全文,所以错误。选项B文中没有相关支持信息,属于无中生有。第五段:我们的产品和思想其实发源于别处,对自身的不满推动世界变革。第六段:全球化带来的负面问题需要谨慎处理,但不能遏制全球化。
