A、Writing an article. B、Studying for a physics test. C、Shopping for shoes. D、Reading a magazine. B女士说如果不是关于物理和期末考试她就不关心,言外之意是物理考

admin2013-11-30  36

M: I’m taking my vacation the first three weeks in August this year. Where would you like to go?
W: Well, what we need is a real rest, so why not go to some quiet resort hotel?
Q: What does the woman imply?
M: There is an article here in this magazine you might find interesting. It’ s about buying running shoes.
W: If it’ s not physics and it’ s not on the final exam, I can’t read it now.
Q: What is the woman probably doing?

选项 A、Writing an article.
B、Studying for a physics test.
C、Shopping for shoes.
D、Reading a magazine.


解析 女士说如果不是关于物理和期末考试她就不关心,言外之意是物理考试临近了。
