Mark Clements, 53, a garageman, had long and untidy hair. Laura Shira, 43, who gives haircuts, needed car repairs. Rather than【3

admin2008-01-17  46

问题     Mark Clements, 53, a garageman, had long and untidy hair. Laura Shira, 43, who gives haircuts, needed car repairs. Rather than【36】for service, the two residents helped each other. A typical small-town favor, right? No, the two didn’t know each other. They【37】the Neighborhood Service Exchange (NSE), where members【38】their skills. The exchange need not be direct; members earn credit for hours【39】and can cash in later from anyone in the group.
    The NSE may help people save a little money, but at its heart it’s building a(n)【40】of community in a place that was losing that small-town feel. In a recent【41】, 78% said they didn’t feel comfortable asking a neighbor for help. "We want neighbors to【42】like neighbors again," says Kathryn Myron, who【43】the group in 1998.
    It’s working. Hidi Hanson, 53, agreed to make "【44】phone calls" to Katie O’Brien, 66, who had suffered a stroke. The two became fast friends who now talk on the phone almost daily. "I don’t even bother to keep【45】my credits anymore," says O’Brien.  

选项 A、in touch with
B、control of
C、track of
D、away from


解析 本题从句子层面考查动词词组辨析。四个选项都能和keep搭配,而keep in touch with(保持联系)、keep control of(保持控制)、和keep away from(远离)和后面的credit(积分)搭配都不能使整句话符合逻辑。只有keep track of(跟踪、追查)放于句中(我甚至不愿再去查积分)才说得通,故选项C正确。
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