In a study of the effect of color on productivity, 50 of 100 factory workers were moved from their drab workroom to a brightly c

admin2014-10-21  46

问题 In a study of the effect of color on productivity, 50 of 100 factory workers were moved from their drab workroom to a brightly colored workroom. Both these workers and the 50 who remained in the drab workroom increased their productivity, probably as a result of the interest taken by researchers in the work of both groups during the study. Which of the following, if true, would cast most doubt upon the author’s interpretation of the study results given above?

选项 A、The 50 workers moved to the brightly colored room performed precisely the same manufacturing task as the workers who remained in the drab workroom.
B、The drab workroom was designed to provide adequate space for at most 65 workers.
C、The 50 workers who moved to the brightly colored workroom were matched as closely as possible in age and level of training to the 50 workers who remained in the drab workroom.
D、Nearly all the workers in both groups had volunteered to move to the brightly colored workroom.
E、Many of the workers who moved to the brightly colored workroom reported that they liked the drab workroom as well as or better than they liked the brightly colored workroom.


解析 本题为一典型的“B,A”类型,段落里面比较的两组对象说的均为相同点,因此反对重在寻找不同点。(B)指出土褐色的工作间被设计用来最多为65名工人提供足够空间,而移出50人只剩下50人,所以完全有可能是因为空间大而导致剩下在土褐色工作间的工人增进了生产率,所以(B)正确。(A)中的“the”。(C)中的“matched as”、(E)中的“as well as”都是与support答案有关的关键词;(D)易误选,但只解释了两组中的一组——自愿移到颜色明亮的工作间的人的效率提高,至于留下的50人的效率为什么提高并未涉及,所以(D)不正确。请警惕(D)的错误及其迷惑性。
