When college students return home for the holidays, they can bring more than presents with them. They can also cause stress and

admin2013-07-02  32

问题     When college students return home for the holidays, they can bring more than presents with them. They can also cause stress and tension in the home as the entire family makes adjustments, says an expert at Washington University in St. Louis.

    "The winter break is the first extended time at home for most freshmen since they left for college in the summer," Karen Levin Coburn, associate vice chancellor for students and dean of the freshman transition at the university, said in a prepared statement. "The first semester at college may have been their first glimpse of freedom. They wonder if it is possible to go home and still maintain their newfound independence, " said Coburn, who is co-author of the book Letting Go: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding the College Years.
    She offered some advice. " Parents should not be shocked when students come home with bags under their eyes. Most students have just finished finals, they are exhausted , and they may sleep a lot the first day or two. Parents who have invested money and energy in their children’s education may not understand the zombie re-entering their home," Coburn said.
    Younger siblings may need support from their parents in order to deal with the changes caused by an older siblings’ return home from college for the holidays. " For example, the middle sibling has been used to being the eldest, and it may be more of a drag than a delight to have big sister home again," Coburn noted. If the returning student is an only child, parents may.realize they’ve grown accustomed to privacy and a clean home.
    "Though parents enjoy the reinvigorated hustle and bustle(熙熙攘攘)of family life, they may have moments of longing for the spontaneity and quiet of life on their own. Actually, the ambivalence(矛盾情绪)is not unlike the ambivalence their child feels about being back home versus being on his or her own," Coburn said.
    Because money is tight for many parents of college students, finances may become a major issue during the holiday visit. Money issues need to be discussed openly, Coburn said. " Try to find a time when the student is open to discussion and tactfully try to help him or her understand the necessity of budgeting," she recommended.
    The tips she gave the bewildered parents are: first don’t try to impose old rules(such as curfews)from the student’s high school days, and second plan early and consult with your returning college student when making arrangements for family parties, vacations and other activities. Don’t do everything for your student. Let him or her take responsibility for the things they’ve been handling while away at college, such as medical appointments, finances, and car and computer maintenance.
According to the passage, facing the college students, parents______.

选项 A、are more happy than worried
B、have an ambivalence of both joy and uneasiness
C、are loaded with more housework than before
D、are totally unaccustomed to their children from college


解析 事实细节题。定位在第五段,旨在让学生通过上下文能够猜测出ambivalence的意思,上句说尽管父母们喜欢这种吵吵嚷嚷的热闹家庭生活场面,他们有时候也渴望能有自己的平常与平静生活。可以判断父母们有一些矛盾的心态。故[B]正确。
