城市中的绿洲 走在人声鼎沸、高楼耸立的城市里,大楼帷幕玻璃在阳光里闪闪发亮。这些巨大的建筑物曾经是进步与繁荣的象征,不过在环保人士的眼里可不是如此。建筑物的玻璃窗会吸收大量的能量,进而增加室内的温度,也带来了高额的电费。随着世界各国对节约能源投以越

admin2014-12-05  86

问题     城市中的绿洲


答案An Oasis in the City Walking down the buzzing streets of a big city, with a wall of skyscrapers towering over you, their all-glass facades seem to shimmer under the sun. These mammoth structures, which were once a symbol of progress and prosperity, is no longer—at least in the eyes of environmentally conscious people. The buildings’ glazed windows absorb a tremendous amount of energy, and tend to significantly raise the mercury of the interiors. That translates into a fat electricity bill. With growing concern about energy conservation the world over, more and more architects have tried to incorporate environmentalism into their designs. The use of solar panels, which collect the sun’ s energy to power lights and other electrical appliances , has been widely touted as the next big thing in green buildings. As the debate over the potential exhaustion of fossil fuels rages on, wind and thermal power are also considered good alternatives.

