清明上河图(Riverside Scene on the Pure Brightness Festival)描绘了北宋(Northern Song Dynasty)首都东京(今河南开封)汴河两岸清明节(Pure Brightness Festival)前后

admin2015-03-28  50

问题 清明上河图(Riverside Scene on the Pure Brightness Festival)描绘了北宋(Northern Song Dynasty)首都东京(今河南开封)汴河两岸清明节(Pure Brightness Festival)前后的风貌。现收藏在北京故宫物院(the Palace Museum)。长卷共分三部分:第一部分画着晨光下,郊外河岸上慢慢行进着的一支驮着重物的驴队。第二部分描绘汴河交通繁忙的景象,尤其引人注目的是像彩虹般横跨汴河两岸的“虹桥”,桥上熙熙攘攘,车水马龙,非常热闹。第三部分描绘了市区街景,各行各业,应有尽有,街上行人,来来往往。《清明上河图》直观地反映了北宋时东京的城市面貌。


答案①The Riverside Scene on the Pure Brightness Festival depicts scenes along the Bianhe River at Dongjing (today’s Kaifeng in Henan Province), the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, at the time of the Pure Brightness Festival. ②Now it belongs to the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing. ③The painting is divided into three parts: the first part shows a team of pack mules plodding along the river bank in the suburbs in the morning light. ④The second part shows the bustling scene of the transportation on Bianhe, especially the Rainbow Bridge spanning the river like a rainbow. There are many people and traffic on the bridge, so it is very busy there. ⑤The third part depicts the downtown streets, thronged with people playing all sorts of trades. ⑥The Riverside Scene on the Pure Brightness Festival directly reflected the city visage of Dongjing during the Northern Song Dynasty.

解析 1.①句中主语“《清明上河图》”的英文已经给出,谓语“描绘了……的风貌”译作“depicts scenes…”。“北宋首都东京(今河南开封)汴河两岸”译作地点状语“along the Bianhe River at Dongjing(today’s Kaifeng in Henan Province),the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty”,其中“北宋首都”译作“the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty”作“Dongiing”的同位语,在河两岸用介词“along”。“清明节前后”译作时间状语“at the time of the Pure Brightness Festival”。
2.②句中“现收藏在……”译作“now it belongs to the collection of…”,要增译出主语“it”。
3.③句中“长卷”即指《清明上河图》,可译作“the painting”或用“it”指代,“分……部分”译作“is divided into…parts”。此处的“画着”和后两句中的“描绘”可译作“shows”或“depicts”。先译重点,即“一支驮着重物的驴队”译作“a team of pack mules”,然后将“郊外河岸上慢慢行进着的”译作现在分词短语“plodding along the river bank in the suburbs”,将“晨光中”译作时间状语“in the morning light”。
4.④句拆分成两句翻译。“汴河交通繁忙的景象”译作“the bustling scene of the transportation on Bianhe”,“尤其引人注目的”译作“especially”即可,“虹桥”译作“the Rainbow Bridge”,“像彩虹般横跨汴河两岸的”译作现在分词短语“spanning the river like a rainbow”。“桥上熙熙攘攘,车水马龙,非常热闹”单独译成一句,用there be存在句,其中“熙熙攘攘,车水马龙”即“人多、车多”的意思,译作“many people and traffic”即可。
5.⑤句多四字成语,翻译时采取意译的方式,准确完整表达原文的意思即可,不必拘泥于形式。用一个“thronged with”即可表达出人多的画面,“各行各业(的人)”译作“people playing all sorts of trades”。
6.⑥句中“直观地”用副词“directly”,“城市面貌”译作“the city visage of…”
