Motivate your employees like Jack Welch I just returned from speaking to hospitality executives in Oslo and Amsterdam as par

admin2012-01-23  36

问题             Motivate your employees like Jack Welch
    I just returned from speaking to hospitality executives in Oslo and Amsterdam as part of my work as a communications coach. While preparing for the presentations, I asked the organizers about the biggest challenge facing hospitality managers in their countries. The answer was exactly what I hear from their U. S. counterparts: motivating employees to offer exceptional customer service. The challenge is universal across countries and industries. Fortunately, so is the solution.
    Motivation starts with employee engagement, and engagement begins with effective communication skills. In my presentation to hotel and travel executives, I quoted Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric (GE) and current Business Week columnist, who once said:  ’ No company, large or small, can succeed over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it. ’ Three key points in this quotation hold the secret to motivating employees: ’ energized employees’, ’ believe’ and ’ understand’.
    Successful companies have energetic employees. Nothing energizes employees more than public recognition and praise for their accomplishments. Praise fills emotional tanks, giving your team the fuel to perform to its peak potential. Not too long ago a friend and her husband were treated to an all-expense-paid trip to Hawaii. She was one of the select few who made ’ President’s Club’ based on her high sales. She returned from the trip and started looking for a new job. Why? Her boss had failed to recognize her accomplishment publicly—first woman to make President’s Club in the company’s 18-year history. Yes, people want to be famous—especially in front of their Peers.
    Successful companies have employees who believe in the mission. Intuit’s Scott Cook once told me:  ’ People want more than a paycheck. They want to feel as though they are part of something bigger than themselves. ’ It’s up to you to articulate the mission and set the tone for the rest of your team. Ask yourself: ’What are we really selling?’ Are you selling insurance or ’ peace of mind?’ Are you selling computers or ’tools to unleash human creativity?’ Are you selling coffee, or in the words of Starbucks’ Howard Schultz, ’ a third place between work and home’? Successful missions have less to do with the physical product and more to do with how that product will improve the lives of your customers.
    Successful companies have employees who understand how to achieve success. The CEO of Dominos Pizza India, Ajay Kaul, says the company’s mission must be simple enough to be understood by all 4,000 of his employees. Once it has been set, it’s up to you to communicate constantly how well the company is performing against the objective. If you’re genuine, passionate, and have a clear vision, it resonates with your employees and they will spare no efforts to accomplish the objective.
    Don’t confuse employee motivation with price of admission to compete as a successful company. A company has to meet basic expectations to motivate top talent. In the U. S. , an employee expects two weeks vacation. In Europe, an employee expects five weeks. But while expectations might differ in countries and cultures, whether or not your own business will stand apart depends on the quality of your interaction with your employees and, in turn, how they engage with your customers.  
From the first paragraph, we can learn that ______.

选项 A、European employees are not hospitable to clients
B、there is no easy way to solve the problem concerned
C、American employees are exceptional in offering customer service
D、hospitality managers in America and Europe are faced with the same problem


解析 本题答案比较明确,根据第一段第二、三句我们可以得知欧洲的hospitality managers和他们的美国同行们(their U.S. counterparts)都面临着同一个严峻的问题(the biggest challenge),即怎样调动员工的积极性以使他们提供出色的客户服务(motivating employees to offer exceptional customer service)。选项D所表达的正是此意,所以正确答案为D。
