Is it necessary to spend an hour in the bathroom every morning______your hair?

admin2019-05-10  9

问题 Is it necessary to spend an hour in the bathroom every morning______your hair?

选项 A、to comb


解析 语法题。本题考查及物动词spend的正确用法。Spend的常见句型如下:spend…onsth.;spend…(in)doing sth.根据spend的惯用句型可知,选项C对。另外,请考生注意同、近义词cost,expend,spend,take,pay,disburse的词义与搭配区别。cost表示“花费”时,主要指花费金钱、劳动等。主语是某一事物,而不用人。而且,不能用于被动语态。例如:It will cost you 1,200 yuan to fly to Shanghai.Making experiments like this costs much time and labor.expend表示“花费",系正式用语,含有为特定的和有价值的目的而花费时间、精力和钱财。Expend还含有“用光”、“耗尽”的意思,而且通常所费数额较大。The class expended a great amount of time on the project.Large sums were expended on heavy industry.spend表示“花费”时的主语必须是人、构机,宾语可以是时间、金钱、精力等。表示“花在……。上”,用on后接名词或用in(通常省略)后接动名词。例如:Each person spent 30 yuan a month on food。She spent the afternoon(in)washing the windows and the floors.take表示“花费”时,指需要占用空间、时间或精力等。主语可以是人,也可以是一件事,经常跟双宾语。例如:It took us three hours to do the homework.It took us twelve yuan to buy the dictionary.I took two hours to do the housework.way表示“支付,付钱给,对……有利,值得”,用作及物和不及物动词。主语只能是人;搭配范围只能是金钱;可用于被动语态。例如:I paid fifty—eight yuan for than jacket.She was being paid £80 a week.It pays one to be honest.老实人不吃亏。I will pay to read that book.读读那本书是值得的。disburse表示“支出,支付,分配,分布”,也作及物和不及物动词。例如:Our govemment will disburse money for the project.Company salaries are disbursed by the paymaster.公司的工资由出纳员发给。All of his property will be disbursed by will.他的全部遗产将按遗嘱分配。
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