In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list [A]-

admin2011-03-11  22

问题     In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list [A]-[G] to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
    Your heart suddenly starts pounding so hard you think it’s going to leap right out of your chest. You’re sweating even though it’s cold out. You feel unsteady on your feet and generally shaky, like the world around you is spinning out of control and you can’t get a grip. Your hands and feet are numb and useless. You’re gasping for breath and feel like you’re drowning.
    (41)__________Genetics may be part of the explanation; women are more prone to anxiety or depression, and a history of these mood disorders makes you more likely to have a panic attack. But unhappy life experiences may also increase women’s vulnerability.
    A particularly active area of research at the moment is the effect of hormones. Women seem most susceptible to panic attacks during times of hormonal changes, such as adolescence, pregnancy, and so on. Dr. Lilian Gonsalves, psychology at the Cleveland Clinic, says some scientists think that hormonal fluctuation may upset the balance of chemicals in the brain that modulate fear and anxiety, triggering a panic attack. It feels like the fight-or-flight response gone wild with no provocation. (42)__________
    Fear of another attack often makes people avoid places where an attack took place, and a small percentage of sufferers may eventually become  housebound, a condition called agoraphobia. (43)__________ "We used to say that you don’t die of a panic attack, but I’ve stopped saying that," says Gonsalves. "It could be that during a panic attack you get coronary spasms or an irregular heart rate. "
    (44)__________There’s no single cure that works for everyone, but generally, patients use medication, cognitive behavioral therapy or some combination of the two. Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches you a range of techniques—such as relaxation exercises—to deal with everyday anxiety and stress, lessening the chances of another attack.  Many people find that drugs help control the problem until they can find a behavioral therapy that works, after which drugs may no longer be necessary. Research has also shown that regular exercise.and activities such as yoga may reduce the severity and number of attacks.
    (45)__________If there is nothing wrong, then your doctor will probably refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist who can work with you on the problem over what may be a period of several months.
    It takes a while to feel completely better; generally, antidepressants start working in six to eight weeks, Gonsalves says. But many patients begin to get some relief in just two weeks, she adds. In all, about 80 percent of patients will do well. In the case of the other 20 percent, who don’t respond to treatment, doctors often find that they have missed an underlying medical condition that is behind the attacks.
    [A] Suffering from frequent panic attacks also means you are at higher risk of depression, substance abuse and suicide. Some research also indicates that women who have repeated attacks are at higher risk of death.
    [B] Call your doctor even if you’ve had only a single attack, because these symptoms could also signal a wide range of other problems, including thyroid and heart disease.  A primary-care physician will first perform a physical exam and probably order an EKG and blood tests to rule out other possible causes of the attacks.
    [C] You can be standing at a bus stop or shopping at the mall without any danger in sight, and suddenly, you feel like you’re dying.  The attack is generally over in a few minutes, but sometimes symptoms—especially feeling faint and dizzy—can linger for mare than an hour.
    [D] Many women report experiencing their first panic attack in late adolescence. But others have no trouble until they are around 50, when their hormone levels often vary wildly. "These are high functioning women who have never seen a psychiatrist before," says Gonsalves. "They start having hot flashes and they don’t sleep. They become acutely anxious. "
    [E] If you have felt all of these come on without warning, you may have just suffered a panic attack. These frightening symptoms affect women twice as often as men, although scientists are not sure why.
    [F] The cure of panic attacks often depends on the cause. If your attacks are triggered by a physical condition, they should be eliminated by treating the physical cause. If you can’t find the cause, continue looking and using the above tips to control the attacks.
    [G] Because of the possible consequences of untreated panic attacks, it’s important to get help early. And fortunately, there is lot of help available.



解析 本题缺失内容是第三段的段尾。我们需要在空格前去寻找解题的线索,空格前的内容谈到“克利夫兰诊所的心理医生Lilian Gonsalves博士说,大多数科学家认为荷尔蒙波动可能扰乱大脑内调节害怕和焦虑的化学物质的平衡,从而激发恐慌侵袭”。从该句最后的一句话“这感觉就像应激的反应机制无缘无故地被激发起来”,而这种感觉在前文中很显然是没有叙述的,因此,这里我们可以猜测空格处所填的内容应该是对“这种感觉”的描述,查看选项,只有C满足这一条件。故答案为C。
