Title: "More haste, less speed"(欲速则不达) Word limit: about 160~200 words. Your essay must be written neatly and must be ba

admin2010-09-06  32

问题     Title: "More haste, less speed"(欲速则不达)
    Word limit: about 160~200 words.
    Your essay must be written neatly and must be based on the following situation:
    People generally agree with the saying, yet not everyone observes if in his practice. Make a brief description of people’s practice and state your views with regard to the saying.


答案 People generally agree with the saying "More haste, less speed". Indeed, most people are acting on this principle in their daily activities. They realize that if they do things in a hurried way, they will achieve less than what they expect. However, if things are done at a reasonable pace, people can, more often than not, attain their goals as expected. Nevertheless, when it comes to daily practice, not everyone observes this principle. For example, in the 1950’s, the leaders of our government wished to realize communism in a shorter period of time by so-called "Great Leap Forward". Yet, the result is that the whole economy was totally damaged and the people’s life became miserable. Likewise, students may make the same mistakes in their studies. Some students intend to gain enough credits as soon as possible by selecting many courses in a single term, only to find that they fail in most of the courses. Obviously, more haste invariably means more failures. In short, I strongly believe that "more haste, less speed" should be a warning to our decision-making. Only when we keep it in mind can we avoid the mistakes mentioned above and ensure our final success in all respects.

解析     这是一篇情景作文,要审读所给情景,确定文章的主题,设定三段的写作内容。写完自己的作文后,可参看并分析范文,如:它是怎样设定三段的写作内容的,又用了哪些句式和词汇去表达内容,以从中汲取写作的营养。
