(1) "We’ve been wondering what planet we’re first going to look for life on. Now we know. Rory Barnes, of the University of Wash

admin2018-06-29  23

问题    (1) "We’ve been wondering what planet we’re first going to look for life on. Now we know. Rory Barnes, of the University of Washington, puts it nicely. Proxima Centauri, the star closest to the sun, has a planet. That planet weighs not much more than Earth and is therefore presumably rocky. And it orbits within its parent star’s habitable zone—meaning that, given an atmosphere, its surface temperature is likely to permit liquid water.
   (2) A prize discovery, then, for astrobiologists such as Dr. Barnes. The discoverers themselves are a transnational team of astronomers who have been using telescopes at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in the Atacama desert, in Chile, for planet-hunting. They have inferred its existence from its effect on its parent star’s light, and their paper in Nature describes what they have been able to deduce about it.
   (3) Proxima Centauri b, as it is known, probably weighs between 1.3 and three times as much as Earth and orbits its parent star once every 11 days. This puts its distance from Proxima Centauri itself at 7m kilometres, which is less than a twentieth of the distance between Earth and the sun. It can remain temperate in such a close orbit only because Proxima is a red dwarf, and thus much cooler than the sun. It is not the only Earth-sized extrasolar planet known to orbit in a star’s habitable zone. There are about a dozen others. But it is the closest to Earth—so close, at four light-years, that it is merely outrageous, not utterly absurd, to believe a spaceship (admittedly a tiny one) might be sent to visit it. Before this happens, though, it will be subjected to intense scrutiny from Earth itself.
   (4) That scrutiny will probably be led by ESO. The data which led to Proxima Centauri b’s discovery came from the observatory’s 3.6 metre telescope at La Silla, in Chile. But ESO is also building a much bigger device, the 39-metre European Extremely Large Telescope (EELT), at another site in Chile. Since the late 2000s Markus Kasper of ESO has led a team which is designing a specialised planet-spotting instrument, the Exoplanet Imaging Camera and Spectrograph (EPICS), to fit on this telescope. Dr. Kasper’s camera has a price tag of 50m ($ 56m), and there have always been questions about whether it is worth the money. But EPICS stands a better chance of producing actual pictures of Proxima Centauri b, and being able to analyse its atmosphere, than any other instrument in the world (or off it). Its future can now scarcely be in doubt.
   (5) The problem for astronomers trying to catch a glimpse of Proxima Centauri b is that, though close to the Earth by interstellar standards, it is closer to its parent star by more or less every other standard short of that of walking down the road to the chemist. Seen from Earth, star and planet are 35 thousandths of an arc second apart (an arc second is a 3,600th of a degree). Producing a picture that separates the two objects thus requires a telescope with a resolution good enough to distinguish between the left and right headlights of an oncoming car in Denver from the distance of Berlin.
   (6) Things get worse. Dim as it is, Proxima Centauriis still more than 10m times brighter than its planet is expected to be. It is as though one of those headlights in Denver was actually the open door to a furnace, while the other was a tea light. This is what makes the E-ELT and EPICS crucial. EPICS contains a coronagraph—a tiny shield that blocks out a star’s light so that adjacent planets can be seen. Unfortunately, a coronagraph reduces a telescope’s resolution, meaning you need an even bigger one to see the target in the first place. To observe Proxima Centauri b using a coronagraph, and doing so in the infrared wavelengths that are likely to provide the best information about its atmosphere, you need a telescope at least 20 metres across; 30 metres would be better.
   (7) The exciting thing about the planet’s spectrum, however it is measured, is that it might reveal the water content and chemical composition of Proxima Centauri b’s atmosphere, if it has one. And that might, in turn, give a clue as to whether it harbours life. Life on Earth leaves a sign of its existence in the atmosphere, in the form of oxygen. This is produced by plants and it is such a reactive chemical that if their photosynthesis stopped it would disappear rapidly from the air. Free oxygen in Proxima Centauri b’s atmosphere would therefore get a lot of people excited—but possibly without justification, for there are ways to put oxygen into atmospheres abiotically. A stronger indicator of life would be finding both oxygen and molecules associated with biology that cannot long persist in its presence, and must thus be produced continuously.
   (8) Another way to look for life on Proxima Centauri b would be to search for radio signals. Life in general does not generate radiation at radio frequencies. But intelligent life does—at least it does on Earth. And that Earth-bound life also puts a tiny bit of effort into looking for such emissions from elsewhere, an endeavour known as the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI. There have been SETI studies of Proxima Centauri in past decades, but they have not been particularly sensitive.
   (9) That there is intelligent life in the nearest planetary system to Earth’s is surely the longest of shots. And despite its nice-sounding location in the "habitable zone" , the presence of any sort of life on Proxima Centauri b is far from a foregone conclusion. For one thing, there are doubts about how easy it is for planets around red dwarfs to develop and retain atmospheres. Though such stars are cool for most of their existences, in their early years they burn bright. A planet close enough to one to stay warm in later life might have seen its atmosphere burned off in the star’s brief blazing youth. Even if it avoids this problem, it will still be whipped by the star’s magnetic field and lashed by its flares. Though they are dim, red dwarfs are given to all sorts of eruptive activity and pump out X-rays at a prodigious rate. These are both things which might make an atmosphere hard to hold on to and life itself a bit tricky.
What is the role of Para. 8 in the passage?

选项 A、It further discusses the topic put forward in Para. 7.
B、It serves as a transitional paragraph in the passage.
C、It summarizes the main idea of previous paragraphs.
D、It introduces a new point to be discussed in Para. 9.


解析 篇章题。从文章第八段的上下文看,作者在开篇大致介绍了对新行星Proxima Centauri b的基本观测结果,随后在第四段至第六段探讨了观测方法和相关困难,第七段讨论如何确定该星球是否有大气存在,并在最后一句说到了大气与生命存在的关系,可见,这是在探讨生命存在的一个条件,而第八段第一句就点明,这是探索生命存在的另一种方式,可见,它是在继续第七段的话题,探讨生命存在的条件验证,故[A]为正确答案。从上下文和本段大意可知,该段前后并没有意义转折,故排除[B];第七段是从是否有大气的角度探讨生命存在的可能性,而第八段是从无线电讯号的角度探讨生命存在的可能性,可见,不是总结上文大意,故排除[C];从第七、八两段和第九段的关系看,前两段同是探讨生命存在的不同验证角度,而第九段总结作者对生命存在的观点,可知[D]也不符合文意,应排除。
