Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the space provided on your Answer Sheet II. TOPIC D

admin2019-06-10  54

问题 Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the space provided on your Answer Sheet II.
   Do you think love can be expressed in different, even opposite ways? Please use specific examples to support your arguments.


答案 When it comes to love, we always think of tenderness and warmness, support and encouragement. But criticism and harshness, in certain situations, are also love. Love is a feeling hidden in humans’ hearts, and the ways to express it could be varied according to different people. I agree that love can be expressed in different ways. Eagles throw their kids from the edge of the mountain to teach them how to fly. Hens cover their children under their wings to keep them warm. Both of them are expressions of love, but in opposite ways. Sometimes love can be expressed in a direct and warm way. Lovers’ sweet words are intoxicating, and they encourage each other with everything. But love can also be expressed in a harsh way. Our parents are not always affectionate if we do something wrong and refuse to admit, correct or change. Their harsh scolding is love in our upbringings. Our supervisors always push us to read more literatures and do more experiments, although we feel very tired after a strenuous day. They even remind us, in a serious and criticizing tone, what needs to be improved in our research. Through this process each of us has learned a lot and become a better self. These are also love, love out of responsibility, although expressed in a different, opposite way. No matter how love is expressed, the intention behind it, whether it is out of sincere affection, is all we care.

解析    题目试图探讨的是爱可以用不同的,甚至相反的方式来表达。此题目初看上去比较简短,但内涵深刻。需要仔细审题:“不同的,甚至相反的方式”是指的什么方式?“爱”的定义是什么?定义不同,对爱的表达方式就会不同。世界上有很多种爱:父母之爱、恋人之爱、朋友之爱,等等。不同的爱有不同的表达方式;就是同一种爱,在不同的环境下,也会有不同的表达方式。但是它们的出发点都是爱,都是为了被爱者的利益。联系实际生活来看,有时候表面的严苛,可能是为了长远的好处,这一点在父母对待孩子的教育上尤其明显。当然,写作的时候也可以反对这一说法,坚持说爱就要用易于被人接受的方式来表达。写作的时候,要注意把握好度。有的考生有点走极端,把一些父母对孩子的过分冷漠也当成了爱而大肆赞扬。还要注意正确理解题目中的“different”之意。有考生把“different”理解成为男女间追逐各种不同的爱,与不同的人交朋友,于是在作文中反对滥情。这些都是没有很好地理解题意。
