Chinese people in the US lived together in neighborhood developed into China Towns.

admin2019-09-17  24

问题 Chinese people in the US lived together in neighborhood developed into China Towns.

选项 A、Chinese people in the US lived together in neighborhoods developing
B、Chinese people in the US living together in neighborhoods developed
C、Chinese people in the US lived together in neighborhoods have developed
D、The neighborhoods where the Chinese in the US live have developed


解析    (1)画线部分错误分析。
   本题的难点在于考查考生对句子逻辑主语的判断。鉴于本题的谓语动词为developed,且宾语为China Towns,因此,本句的逻辑主语一定是非人称的主语,即“发展成唐人街”的逻辑主语是物称主语。
   采用排除法,本题的A、B、C选项的主语均为Chinese people,所以均可排除,只剩下D项。
   而且,D项的逻辑主语为The neighborhoods,是物称主语,符合题意。
   e.g.The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career.
   e.g.Every point in this game counts.
   e.g.Cancer kills thousands of people every year.
   e.g.The doctor gave him a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
   e.g.The article presents these proposals as misguided.
