A、He needs more sleep because he is exhausted. B、He seldom disturbs the woman’s sleep. C、He has sleep problems all the time. D、H

admin2012-08-05  43

W: Oh, I just give another one dollar in this stupid machine. It eats my money again.
M: It’s always out of order. You know what? Whenever you meet things like this, hit it. And it’ll work.
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?
M: Cecilia, you look fatigued. Didn t you get a good night’s sleep?
W: Nope. Mark kept me awake all last night. He rarely snores, but last night he really started sawing some logs! It was more like a herd of elephants running through the room!
Q: What can we learn from the speakers about Mark?

选项 A、He needs more sleep because he is exhausted.
B、He seldom disturbs the woman’s sleep.
C、He has sleep problems all the time.
D、He looks like a big elephant in shape.


解析 事实细节题。男士询问女士是不是昨晚没睡好,女士表示Mark吵得她一晚上没睡好,Mark很少打鼾,但是昨晚的鼾声特别大,像是一群大象从房间跑过。由此可知,Mark很少打搅女士的睡眠。
