A US Energy Department report calls for incentives to boost coal-fired and nuclear power plants following a stream of closures t

admin2022-09-27  17

问题     A US Energy Department report calls for incentives to boost coal-fired and nuclear power plants following a stream of closures that it said undermined reliable sources of electricity. The findings of the study, released late on Wednesday, drew scorn from renewable energy advocates but praise from the coal and unclear industries. The report dovetails with(与……相吻合) President Donald Trump’s promise to revive the ailing mining sector. But it differs from conclusions presented in an earlier draft, which had said big increases in renewable power generation remained possible without undermining grid reliability. The administration had not yet reviewed the early draft, which was written by department staff.
    Energy Secretary Rick Perry commissioned the study in April to evaluate whether “regulatory burdens” imposed by past administrations, including that of former President Barack Obama, had hurt the grid by forcing shutdowns of baseload(基本负载)plants, which provide nonstop power, like those fired by coal and nuclear fuel. Obama had introduced a number of regulations intended to slash emissions of carbon dioxide, which are blamed for climate change. This accelerate the retirement of coal-fired power plants and bolstered the newly-developed solar and wind sectors, which depend heavily on weather conditions for their power output.
    “It is apparent that in today’s competitive markets certain regulations and subsidies are having a large impact on the functioning of markets, and thereby challenging our power generation mix,” Perry said in a letter introducing the study. “It is important for policy makers to consider their intended and unintended effects.”
    The study, conducted by the department’s staff, said cheap natural gas was the main driver of the closure of baseload coal and nuclear plants, a trend that was putting areas of the country at greater risk of power outages. The department recommended giving baseload plants pricing advantages for their power, as well as making it easier and cheaper to get permits to build more such projects.
    Howard Crystal, a spokesman for the Center for Biological Diversity which advocates for clean energy, called the recommendations “dangerously misguided”. “The reality is that we can protect our planet and our energy supplies by embracing wind and solar,” he said.
    Some coal and nuclear energy groups welcomed the final report’s findings. “This is a much-needed, pragmatic look at US electricity reliability and resilience(复原力), including the priority of maintaining critical clean baseload power as electricity markets change,” said Rich Powell, director of ClearPath, which advocates for unclear and hydropower. Last week, Neil Chatterjee, the newly appointed chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, said coal plants needed to be “properly compensated to recognize the value they provide to the system.”
It can be inferred from the first paragraph that________.

选项 A、US Energy Department will provide subsidy to power plants
B、President Trump promised to boost traditional energy industry
C、the recently-released report has caused much controversy
D、it is unreal for renewable power plants to keep the grid reliable


解析 由题干中的from the first paragraph定位到原文第一段。推理判断题。本题考查文章首段的隐含信息。由定位段第二句可知,周三发布的这份研究结果遭到可再生能源拥护者的鄙视,而煤炭和核能行业则对其称赞。由此推测,这份报告引发了不少争议,故答案为A。A“美国能源部将向发电厂提供津贴”曲解了原文第三段首句的意思,佩里只是在该句提到津贴对电力行业的影响,故排除;C“特朗普总统许诺支持传统能源企业”是对定位段第三句的曲解,特朗普只是想要重振矿业,故排除;D “让可再生能源发电厂维持电网稳定是不现实的”与原文意思不符,该句只是说大面积关停传统发电厂会影响电力的稳定供应,故排除。
