
admin2012-07-18  39

问题     我们所知的事实是,战争并非像很多人相信的那样完全是“人性”的产物。如果正如许多人所信的那样,战争和人与人之间的暴力会在整个人类历史上并且在所有或者几乎所有的社会里存在。事实并非如此。考古学家的调查结果似乎表明人类在很久以前是比较讲和平的。举例来说,在早先的法国洞穴绘画里。早于约公元前10,000年的绘画中没有人与人打仗的画面。这一点提示,在人类早期那段时间里,相对而言人与人打仗是鲜为人知的。


答案 The fact known to us is that war, different from what many people believe it to be, is not completely an outcome of"humanity". Otherwise, war and violence among people would exist in all the human history or almost all societies. However, this is not the truth. Archaeologists’investigation results seem to suggest that men lived quite a peaceful life long ago. For example, among ancient French cave drawings which were earlier than 10, 000 B. C. , there were no pictures describing people fighting with each other. This indicates that, in that early period of mankind, fight among people was comparatively rare. In a certain way, this discovery is not surprising at all: in the world of animals, it’s rare for one to prey on another of its own species. They do kill other kinds of animals, but not their owa Like most animals, the proportion of inner violence among early human beings was relatively small. Therefore, war is not the inherent outcome of humanity but that of certain social and cultural conditions.

