In 2007 a French food company wanted to buy a family-owned firm in India. The patriarch was 72, and the French firm wanted to se

admin2015-03-25  26

问题     In 2007 a French food company wanted to buy a family-owned firm in India. The patriarch was 72, and the French firm wanted to send someone of similar experience to talk to him. But because of its youthful corporate culture—most people are pushed out of the door in their mid-40s—it had no one to send. ln the end, through Experconnect, an employment agency in Paris which places retired people, it found a 58-year-old former head of a European consumer-goods firm, and sent him out to Mumbai.
    France has a poor record when it comes to keeping older people in the workforce. The retirement age is 60, not 65 as in most developed countries. In 2005 only 37. 8% of people aged 55-64 had jobs, versus 56.8% in Britain and 44.9% in Germany. The main reason is that in the 1980s, when there was high unemployment, the government promoted early retirement. That entrenched the idea that older workers were less productive, says Caroline Young, Experconnect’s founder.
    Now companies are worried about losing their most skilled workers, especially as the baby-boom generation nears retirement. Areva, a nuclear-power group, recently launched a scheme to address the needs of older employees, and plans to use about 100 retired people a year through Experconnect. Because nuclear power was unpopular for decades, Areva stopped training engineers, so that much of its expertise lies with its oldest staff. Now it is taking much more interest in them. "We have to bring about a revolution in opinion," says Jean Cassingena, its human-resources strategist.
    Unlike other recruitment agencies, Experconnect keeps its workers on its own books, so they can carry on drawing their pensions. They tend to work part-time on one-off projects. Engineers and people with high levels of technical skill are most in demand in France, says Ms Young, as younger people increasingly choose to go into fields such as marketing. Thales, a defence and aerospace firm, is using a former radar expert, for instance, and Louis Berger France, an engineering firm, often uses retired engineers to manage big infrastructure projects.
    Softer industries also make use of Experconnect. Danone, a food firm, hires people for one-off management roles. "Older people have seen it all and they are level-headed," says Thomas Kunz, its head of beverages. The beauty industry is short of toxicologists to determine whether new lotions are safe, and one firm has just taken on a 75-year-old. Two famous French luxury-goods companies plan to use retired workers in their handbag divisions. One wants to safeguard its knowledge of fine leathers and sewing; the other wants to apply expertise from the aerospace industry to make new kinds of materials for handbags.
    Despite an impressive handful of high-profile clients, Experconnect has found it difficult to convince French companies that older workers can be valuable. It has 2,700 retired people on its books, and has so far placed just 50 of them on "missions". Old prejudices, as they say, die hard.
According to the first paragraph, we can know that

选项 A、the India firm has been founded for 72 years.
B、most French workers retire in their mid-forties.
C、the French firm finally found someone suitable to talk to the patriarch.
D、no French workers wanted to go to India.


解析 事实细节题。文章第一段主要列举了一个事例,用以引出文章主题。第一段中提到Thepatriarch was 72,指的是企业的创始人已经72岁高龄,并非该家族企业已成立72周年,因此排除[A];文中说大多数人在45岁的时候就会被挤出公司,并非退休,而且下文中也明确指出了法国的退休年龄为60岁,故排除[B];该法国公司最终通过一家中介机构找到了合适的人选,故[C]为正确答案;文中并未提及员工是否愿意前往印度,故排除[D]。
