A、High blood pressure. B、Dehydrated. C、Much too stressed. D、Smoking heavily. A本题考查细节。对话中很清楚地提到前一个大夫说该男士有轻微hypertension(高血压),dehy

admin2021-11-29  25

W: What’s the matter with you, sir?
M: I have a terrible headache.
W: When did it begin?
M: About two weeks ago.
W: Have you ever had this kind of headache before?
M: I’ve had headaches for several years, but not as bad as this.
W: How old are you?
M: I’m 61, just retired from my job.
W: Have you seen doctors about this before? What did they say?
M: Two years ago I went to see a doctor, and he told me I had slight hypertension.
W: So what kind of treatment have you taken in the past?
M: I took some medicine for hypertension occasionally.
W: Let me take your blood pressure.
M: OK.
W: It’s 110 over 170. That’s a little high.
M: Is it serious?
W: You should have a good rest, avoid nervous tension or stress and give up smoking and alcohol.
M: All right. Should I take some medicine?
W: Yes. I will prescribe you some and you should take blood pressure at home on schedule.
M: I will. Thank you.
Questions 16-20 are based on the passage you have just heard:
16. How long has the man had the problem?
17. What did the man do about it before he saw this doctor?
18. What problems does the man probably have?
19. What is NOT the advice given by the doctor?
20. What is the man supposed to do?

选项 A、High blood pressure.
C、Much too stressed.
D、Smoking heavily.


解析 本题考查细节。对话中很清楚地提到前一个大夫说该男士有轻微hypertension(高血压),dehydrated(脱水的)文中没有提及,“压力太大”和“大量吸烟”是大夫建议他避免的情况,因此本题正确答案为A。
