Much has been written about poverty but none of the accounts seem to get at the root of the problem. It must be noted that the w

admin2013-02-16  31

问题     Much has been written about poverty but none of the accounts seem to get at the root of the problem. It must be noted that the weakening effects of poverty are not only the result of lack of money but are also the result of powerlessness. The poor are subject to their social situation instead of being able to affect it through action, that is, through behavior that flows from an individual’s decisions and plans; in other words, when social scientists have reported on the psychological consequences of poverty, it seems reasonable to believe that they have described the psychological consequences of powerlessness. The solution to poverty most frequently suggested is to help the poor secure more money without otherwise changing the present power relationship. This appears to implement the idea of equality while avoiding any unnecessary threat to the estabtished centers of power. But since the consequences of poverty are related to powerlessness, not absolute supply of money available to the poor, and since the amount of power purchasable with a given supply of money decreases as a society acquires a large supply of goods and services, the solution of raising the incomes of the poor is likely, unless accomplished by other measures, to be ineffective in a wealthy society.
    In order to reduce poverty-related psychological and social problems in the United States, the major community will have to change its relationship to neighborhoods of poverty in such fashion that families in the neighborhoods have a greater interest in the broader society and can more successfully participated in the decision-making process of the surrounding community.
    Social action to help the poor should have the following characteristics: The poor should see themselves as the source of the action; the action should affect in major ways the preconceptions of institutions and persons who define the poor; the action should demand much in effect or skill; the action should be successful and the successful self-originated important action should increase the feeling of potential worth and individual power of individuals who are poor.
    The only initial resource which a community should provide to neighborhoods of poverty should be on a temporary basis and should consist of organizers who will enable the neighborhoods quickly to create powerful, independent, democratic organizations of the poor. Through such organizations, the poor will then negotiate with the outsiders for resources and opportunities without having to submit to concurrent control from outside.
The author’s main purpose in writing this passage is to_____.

选项 A、criticize the present methods employed to help the poor
B、analyze the social and psychological aspects of poverty
C、propose a way that the poor can be more effectively helped
D、describe the attitude of the community towards the poor


解析 本题的四个选项中,只有C项为正确答案。这可从文中的内容推知,即穷人没有能力改变现状是他们贫穷的根源。而主流社会应该做的就是帮助穷人组织起来。这是作者提出的一个更加有效帮助穷人的建议。
