Who are the two speakers?

admin2009-12-10  23

问题 Who are the two speakers?
W: Hello, Bob. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you getting along with your preparations for the entrance exam?
M: Well, I really can’t tell. Anyhow, I’m doing my best, working night and day.
W: So am I. Sometimes, I feel very tired, both physically and mentally.
M: I feel the same. I often suffer from headaches and general weakness. Not enough time for sleeping. I don’t know what will become of me if it goes on like this for long.
W: And no time for sports, even music, not to mention films or TV programs.  All we can see is exercises, exam papers and this sort of things.
M: It seems that to go to college is the only future we have.
W: Certainly not. Even if we can’t go to college, we can take up many other jobs and do our bits for the society as well.
M: Quite right. But we’ll get more knowledge after studying several years at college. That means we can work better for our country and people after graduation.  In addition our parents lay great hope on us, and we shouldn’t make them feel disappointed.

选项 A、They are students preparing for the coming college entrance exam.
B、They are students preparing for the final exams.
C、They are colleagues.


解析 题干问:“这两位说话人是谁?”对话开头女士问:“你好,鲍勃。很久没看见你了。你的入学考试准备得怎么样了?”男士回答说:“你看,我真的不好说。无论如何,我正尽我最大的努力,夜以继日地学习。”女士说:“我也是。有时,我觉得很累,身体上和精神上都是。”男士说:“我也这样感觉的……”听上面的对话并考虑整个对话内容可知这两位是准备入学考试的学生,所以本题答案选A。
