Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the proper space on your Answer Sheet II. TOPIC If

admin2019-06-10  35

问题 Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the proper space on your Answer Sheet II.
   If your child were bullied (受欺负) , what would you say to him or her? Tell why you would say so.


答案 As Franklin Roosevelt once claimed, " We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future." Education for next generations is always man’s major concern. Education covers many aspects, even including the way how a person gets along with others. Suppose I had a little daughter, Yaoyao, and she was bullied by her classmate in her elementary school, I would first investigate the situation to find out who was right and who was wrong. If it was not her fault at all, I would speak to her like this: " Don’t be frightened, Yaoyao. It’s not right for your classmate to treat you like this, and we will find ways to deal with this sort of things." And then, I would suggest that she report this to her school, get support from her teacher, and ask that student to apologize to her. Why would I say so? If a child were bullied, parents would tend to feel as if they themselves were hurt as well and easily became over emotional. Nevertheless, maintaining a reasonable and impartial attitude is extremely crucial at this moment, for parents’ attitude also teaches children indirectly how they should behave in the future. Teaching takes place everywhere, whether in the family or in the school. Parents, as well as children’s private teachers in building their characters, need to bear in mind that children learn to get along with others in their everyday contact. Undoubtedly, sometimes a child may suffer from being bullied by their schoolmates, and more often than not, that a schoolmate even isn’t certain enough about his or her improper behavior, because most children are still in the process of learning the rules and disciplines of human society. So in the beginning, parents should teach their children what is right and what is wrong. Furthermore, bullying is a detrimental way of behavior. If you bullied someone, you treated them in a very unpleasant way by using your strength or power to hurt or frighten them. So we should teach children how to assert their rights when being bullied. Injustice exists at the school as well as in a society. Therefore, learning how to fight against unfairness is also an essential part of the lesson for children. Parents should teach children not to lose their courage before the Might and fight against injustice in a reasonable way. Besides, parents also need to protect children’s self-esteem and let them know that being bullied is not a shameful thing. In history, many celebrities were also bullied when they were young, but they have instead achieved their self-fulfillments and became powerful later. A case in point is the story of the Ugly Duckling. It was also ridiculed and bullied by its peers in its childhood, but later it became a gorgeously beautiful swan. In conclusion, when a child is bullied, parents should maintain a serene and impartial attitude, and guide the child in learning how to get along with others, how to fight against injustice, and how to build their self-esteem.

解析    要写好此作文,考生有两部分内容要兼顾:第一,你将对孩子说什么,如何教育孩子?第二,解释你为什么要这样教育孩子。实际上第二部分内容更重要,需要花费更多的笔墨。因为此题考查的重点是阐释你在这件事上所具有的价值观以及教育理念。理性地看待孩子受欺负这个问题,教育孩子来应对成长过程中可能会遇到的人际关系危机,学习正确处理同伴之间的矛盾和纷争,这些都是孩子成长过程中不可缺少的一环,同时也是这篇作文内容充实、论述有理的重要基石。无论作者如何阐释,关键是要言之成理,使人信服,语言表达通顺流畅。
