Many people acquire software programs for their home computers by illegally copying those programs rather than purchasing them.

admin2014-10-21  65

问题 Many people acquire software programs for their home computers by illegally copying those programs rather than purchasing them. People who own home computers must be making, on average, fewer illegal copies of software programs than before, however, since the average number of software programs that people purchase to use on their home computers has increased substantially over the past five years. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

选项 A、The number of home computers in use has increased substantially over the past five years.
B、Five years ago, about half of the software programs used on home computers had been illegally copied rather than purchased.
C、Most people who have home computers use their computers more frequently the longer they have them.
D、Few people who prefer to copy computer software programs illegally cannot copy the software programs they want because they have no acquaintances who have those software programs.
E、On average, people with home computers have the same number of software programs today as people with home computers did five years ago.


解析 数学相关类的支持题,可由简单的数学思维来完成。假定一个集合有两个子集,若其中一个子集增大,则另外一个子集变小,但集合的总量不变。(E)通过指出现在和过去拥有的计算机软件数目相同,结合前提中购买软件的平均数量增加,从而支持了为什么非法拷贝软件数量的减少,所以(E)正确;(A)为反对;(B)无法说明现在的情况;(C)与软件无关;(D)只指出几乎没有人因无熟人而得不到非法软件,与本题推理无关。
