In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list (A、B、C、

admin2013-06-10  24

问题 In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list (A、B、C、D、E、F、G……) to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are several extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. (10 points)

    If the 20th century has been the American century, then there are plenty of people saying watch this space: the twenty first century will be different. The distinguishing characteristic of the post-cold-war world is that there is only one super power. (41)______.
    The military muscle-flexing we have seen from China over the last few years could be an indication of how things are likely to go, although it has to be said that to many people’s surprise the Chinese have been quite constructive over East Timor. But I think we must assume that the main struggle in the 21st century will be with China, already the world’s largest nation. Happily, the Chinese seem to have no global pretensions. One can’t see them interfering in some far-distant conflict, and in both military and economic terms they are still light years behind America.
    Europe is already the largest trading block in the world, (43)______. It’s worth remembering that while Europe spends 60 percent of what the USA does in defence, it has only 10 percent of the Americans’ firepower.
    In the Middle East, in a relatively short space of time, bubbling conflicts have moved closer to resolution. The Arab Israeli dispute has been reduced to its core essentials, while agreement between Syria and Israel remains the strategic prize for peace. Iran is undergoing a slow transformation but the outstanding political issue here is Iraq and Saddam Hussein’s extraordinary survival. The international community remains bitterly divided about what to do.
    Africa, I fear, is going to remain a disaster area, simply because it does not figure on people’s mental maps. Currently there is war raging in six countries around the Congo, yet there’s very little sense the international community will do anything about it. There is, though, some good news. If you look back a year ago to Algeria, it was drowning in its own blood. Now it seems to be back on the right track.
    (44)______. For many years the non-proliferation regime actually worked surprisingly well, but India and Pakistan going nuclear has been a great blow to the status quo. And now there are new biological and chemical weapons—undreamed-of horrors—not to mention the whole legacy of the cold war which hasn’t been cleaned up, such as Russian nuclear waste in the Arctic.
    The fundamental problem is that there are countries that are simply being left behind by the onward march of globalization. Global issues such as the environment and drugs—and perhaps even human rights—are going to come much more to the fore. (45)______.

A. It is called to be an economic giant, especially when the euro has been issued.
B. but while the euro could help it become an economic giant, and even challenge the dollar, it looks likely to re main a political and military pygmy.
C. And there’s only one candidate on the horizon to challenge the US—China.
D. As the world shrinks, so we shall have an increasing sense of the need for an international humanitarian order. Globalization may be a good thing, but it has a dark underbelly.
E. Russia is a powerful country which owns military superiority
F. We must also assume the continued decline of Russia. It shows how far things have gone (and how quickly) when what was once the second most powerful country in the world is being battered by Islamic rebels from the Caucasus. Now we have a Russian state which simply cannot cope.
G. I do think arms control will be a big item on the agenda in future.



解析 作者在最后总结全文,提出根本问题是全球化过快引致的,选项D中正好也提到了全球化,再进一步分析上下文的褒贬口气,不难确定这个就是符合要求的正确选项。
