The Americans go to the movies mainly because they want______. Which of the following is people’s normal response to the movies

admin2009-09-15  35

问题 The Americans go to the movies mainly because they want______.
Which of the following is people’s normal response to the movies they watch?

选项 A、They feel that everything on the screen is familiar to them.
B、They try to turn their dreams into reality.
C、They become so involved that they forget their own problems.
D、They are touched by the life stories of the actors and actresses.


解析 文章第一段谈到,they become involved in  the lives of the characters in the movie,and for two hours,they for- get all about their own problems,他们沉醉在电影的世界里,忘记了自己的烦恼。因此人们对电影的反应是,如此地沉醉其中忘记了自己的烦恼。所以正确的答案为C。
