Since 1978 when the copyright law was changed, books that are less than fifty years old must not be photocopied without the publ

admin2022-10-18  47

问题 Since 1978 when the copyright law was changed, books that are less than fifty years old must not be photocopied without the publisher’s permission. Thus, any book that has been photocopied since 1978 without the publisher’s permission must be at least fifty years old.
The reasoning above exhibits a flaw similar to one in which of the following?

选项 A、Any member of the solar system must be either a planet or a moon, so if an asteroid is neither a planet nor a moon, it must not be a member of the solar system.
B、Anyone who rides a city bus must buy a bus pass, and since Demetrios has a bus pass, he must be riding on a city bus.
C、A driver who turns right must signal, so any driver who did not signal must not have turned right.
D、Anyone who legally crosses a national boundary must have a passport; thus anyone who does not have a passport cannot legally cross a national boundary.
E、Any wage earner residing in the state must pay state taxes, so since Blodwen pays state taxes, she must be resident in the state.


解析 The flaw in which one of the five arguments presented is most similar to the flaw in the given argument?
The conclusion of the given argument is adequately supported by its premises only if supplemented by a highly implausible assumption: Since the 1978 copyright law came into force, no book published since 1978 has been photocopied without the publisher s permission.
However, this would be unreasonable to assume: we have no reason to assume that the existence of a rule implies compliance with that rule.
A    This argument contains no flaw; its conclusion follows logically from its supporting information.
B    This argument is flawed because it is possible that Demetrios is not riding on a city bus but yet still owns a bus pass. However, this is not an argument regarding compliance or non-compliance with a rule.
C    Correct. This argument has the same structure as the given argument. For the argument to work, it must be supplemented with the following highly implausible assumption: No driver who fails to signal turns right. That assumption is implausible because the existence of a rule is not always followed by compliance with that rule.
D    The conclusion drawn here follows logically from the premise on which it is based. Therefore, the argument is not flawed.
E    This argument is flawed: it is possible that Blodwen pays state taxes yet is not a resident in the state. The condition "liable to pay state tax" applies to all residents of the state, but we do not know that this applies only to residents of the state. That is, the class of those "liable to pay state tax" may in fact be larger than the class of those "resident in the state." In any case, the structure of this argument is significantly different from the given argument.
The correct answer is C.
