You are supposed to pick your friend Elaine from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport yesterday morning. However, due to some reasons, you c

admin2019-05-04  48

问题    You are supposed to pick your friend Elaine from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport yesterday morning. However, due to some reasons, you couldn’t make it. Write a letter to Elaine to
   1) apologize for this,
   2) explain the reasons, and
   3) ask for her forgiveness.
   You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
   Do not sign your own name. Use "Li Ming" instead.
   Do not write your address.


答案 Dear Elaine, I am terribly sorry that I failed to meet you at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. But I think you will forgive me if you know the reason. Yesterday morning, I got up early and was eager to see you. After breakfast, I telephoned a taxi to arrive at the gate of our neighborhood at 8 a.m.. Hardly had I left the room to meet the taxi, when I heard my father breathe heavily and hard. I realized that he was having an asthma attack. I hurried to ask my neighbor for help since my mother happened to be out. He carried my father on his back and went straight to the coming taxi and we drove directly to the nearest hospital. Please don’t worry. My father is much better now. Fortunately, I called a taxi in advance. Thus, we got my father to hospital in time. However, I should apologize for missing the opportunity to meet you at the airport. In order to compensate for my absence, I’d like to invite you to visit my home. Please let me know the time that is convenient for you. Again I hope you can pardon me for this matter. Sincerely yours, Li Ming

