惊 醒 那时,我17岁,在一个草原小村打工做苦力。…… 日复一日,这种苦真使我对生活绝望了,我不想再干了,就偷懒、哭泣。后来,头儿让我去小村边上的一个仓库看库房。白天黑夜都是我—个人,吃饭时有人送来。我不再出苦力了。白天,我坐靠在墙根晒太阳,

admin2010-06-18  22

问题                                     惊  醒


答案 Shocked into Life I was 17 then, doing heavy manual work in a village on the steppes... Day in and clay out, I had to do such hard toil so that I dropped into depth of hopelessness. Thoroughly sick and tired of the job, I dawdled and wept while thus engaged. Later, the leader of my team was kind enough to transfer me to be the keeper of a warehouse on the edge of the village. I was all alone twenty-four hours a day, even with my meals sent over to me. Relieved of any more toil and moil, I’d sit close against the foot of the wall and laze in the sunshine by day, and by night sleep in the warehouse, listening to the winds shrieking across the land. Had it not been for a suicidal case, I’d have been muddling along like this all my life. One morning I was just up and someone came to the warehouse to borrow some thick rope, in order to" get out some poor wrench who had jumped into the well." I followed them to the scene. He had been dragged up. Someone whispered to me that the man was already in his forties and still single. He was driven to this step by poverty. That very night I couldn’t go to sleep for the life of mine. Haunted by the unfortunate fellow toiler, I was filled with worry and fear. "If I should go on like this", I murmured to myself, "he might turn out to be the foreshadow of my future." The thought kept me awake all night. Tile very next day, I rose early to jog. The dead man from the well gave me such a shock that I held on to life like grim death. After training for one month, I became much stronger. When I went to see my fellow laborers, they all looked at me with raised eyebrows. What amazed them all the more was the fact that I started to lucubrate and write short literary compositions.

