A、She doesn’t like entertainment programs. B、She believes listening news broadcast is beneficial. C、She doesn’t think it is a pi

admin2014-09-30  22

M: How do you like your job of teaching?
W: Well, I really like it. I’m always in a good mood since my students are highly motivated, and what’s more, they are ready to accept all kinds of challenge.
Q: Why does the woman like teaching?
M: I hear a piece of good news that the number of entertainment programs will be limited.
W: If it is true, I think I’ll have to give my TV set away since it is meaningless for me.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She doesn’t like entertainment programs.
B、She believes listening news broadcast is beneficial.
C、She doesn’t think it is a piece of good news.
D、She hasn’t heard anything about the news.


解析 男士告诉女士“限娱令”的消息,女士说如果消息属实,她将把电视送人,因为对她来说电视已没有什么意义了。由此可见,女士喜欢看娱乐节目,“限娱令”对她来说并不是个好消息。
