Not much was known about yellow fever in the late 1700s, but one fact was inescapable— it was a killer. Epidemics of the dreaded

admin2016-02-04  713

问题     Not much was known about yellow fever in the late 1700s, but one fact was inescapable— it was a killer. Epidemics of the dreaded disease could wipe out up to eighty-five percent of the populations of towns and cities. In 1793 it struck Philadelphia. By September it became so widespread that people who died in the streets often stayed where they fell—no one would dare touch the bodies. The sick went untreated because even the doctors were dying. People of every race were affected. The majority white population sought the aid of black Philadelphia’s. Would they help? The decision was up to two black leaders. They decided to help as much as possible. Black Philadelphians treated white patients and buried the dead. When the epidemic was over, the two leaders and the Black community received official thanks from the city and the deep gratitude of all other Philadelphians.


答案 18世纪后期,人们对黄热病的有关情况知之甚少,只知道这是一种能置人于死地的疾病,这是不容回避的事实。这种可怕的流行病会夺去城镇85%的居民的生命。1793年,费城遭到黄热病的侵袭,到这一年的9月,黄热病的肆虐使死于该病的人只能暴尸毙命之处,因为没有人敢触碰他们的尸体。黄热病一直得不到治疗,即便是医生也难以幸免,不同的种族都遭到了侵袭。占人口绝大多数的白人为此不得不寻求费城黑人的帮助。然而,他们会伸出援助之手吗?这取决于两位黑人领袖。最终,他们决定竭尽全力帮助处于困境的白人。他们为染上黄热病的白人治疗,帮助埋葬白人死者。这场流行病过后,费城官方以及所有其他费城人都对这两位黑人领袖及黑人社会致以最衷心的谢意。

