An entirely new landscape is emerging with technology options central to the work and possibly your business model: work automat

admin2023-02-22  33

问题     An entirely new landscape is emerging with technology options central to the work and possibly your business model: work automation.【B16】________________
    The simplest and most mature so far is robotic process automation. It can be used to automate high-volume, low-complexity, and routine tasks. It is particularly effective in automating the so-called "swivel chair"  tasks, where data needs to be transferred from one software system to another.  These tasks are traditionally done by humans.【B17】________________ Creating a virtual workforce of software robots can help companies streamline operational processes as well as increase the quality and cost-effectiveness of shared services.
    Developments in machine learning, powered by scalable computing resources in the cloud and heavy in-vestment in exceptional human talent by the large players in the IT industry, are making computers capable of recognizing patterns and understanding meaning in big data in a cunningly human-like way. This "recognition intelligence" is showcased in systems for voice recognition, voice-to-text, natural language understanding, image understanding, and a host of other applications that are increasingly becoming available to consumers and companies.
    Cognitive automation can be used to gain new insights into big data. When it comes to transforming a company’s strategy around the future of work, talent analytics combined with machine learning can be a very powerful tool for analysis and prediction.
    Another area that is rapidly evolving is social robotics.【B19】________________They can be drones that fly or swim, anthropoid robots that walk, or swarm robots that roll on wheels. They are programmable and can adapt to new tasks. This new generation of social robotics can automate routine as well as non-routine tasks. Freed from the assembly line, the social robots can collaborate with humans in a variety of applications that were unthinkable a few years ago.
    A good example is the Kiva robots that Amazon has been using to increase the efficiency of its or-der fulfillment process.【B20】_________________By reengineering the process using robots, Amazon did not replace the hu-man workers but rather made them more productive in a way that allows human to focus on the "high-er value added" activities while robots take on the more routine aspects of the job.
    [A]   There are currently three technological enablers of work automation: robotic process automation, cognitive automation, and social robotics. Each technology fits a different kind of work and has different implications depending on the work to be done.
    [B]   Unlike their predecessors, this new generation of robots is not bolted on an assembly line; they are mobile and move around in our everyday world.
    [C]   Nevertheless, most of the current excitement around work automation stems from systems that can replace humans in non-routine, complex, creative, and often exploratory tasks—in other words, systems that can automate human cognition, or cognitive automation.
    [D]   Instead of having human agents visit cars to assess the damage, an app used by the car policy owner and powered with image recognition intelligence could process photos of the car damage, assess the degree of the damage, and estimate the size of the claim.
    [E]  For example, they may involve taking inputs from emails or spreadsheets, processing the information by applying certain rules, and then entering the output into some other business systems, such as an ERP or a CRM.
    [F]  Instead of walking the aisles to find the right packages, humans now stand on platforms while an army of social robots brings the right package to them at the right time.
    [G]   Selecting the right technology for automating work tasks and improving performance is therefore critical for business, as is the alignment of the selected technology with a comprehensive strategy for the future of work.



解析 第五段介绍社交机器人技术。空格前引入social robotics;空格后的They指代空格处提及的某个内容,由空格后提到的几种机器人的具体形式可知,空格处的内容应该与机器人相关。B提到新一代机器人区别于旧版机器人的特征在于它们能移动.可在生活中的各个角落进行作业。空格后列举的在海、陆、空场景中作业的机器人对应了B所讲的新一代机器人的特点。而且段末提到的Freed from the assembly line也与B说的not bolted on an assembly line一致。可见,B是对新一代社交机器人的概括介绍.空格后是结合具体应用实例对这种机器人的展开说明,构成总一分结构,布局合理,文意通畅,故答案选B。
